Chapter 13

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Just as Bian Yingning finished her conversation with the system, she heard Ji Xiaoxue's question and was momentarily puzzled.

In the past, she and her friends used to joke around like this, saying things like "sweetie" and "darling" off the top of their heads. So why was the female lead asking her this question so seriously?

Of course she miss her. If she didn't, she would be struck by lightning. How could she not think about her? She was afraid she wouldn't think enough.

It must be a deliberate tease.

"You're so cute, I think it's abnormal not to like you." Bian Yingning chuckled, and just as the driver called to say she was coming to pick her up from school, she had him come over to pick her up here.

So the two of them stopped and waited for the driver to arrive.

There was a small food street on the side of the road, and the first stall had fried rice noodles. When the aroma wafted over, Bian Yingning suddenly felt hungry.

After being on edge all night, she only realized how hungry she was now that she smelled the food.

"Do you want to eat rice noodles?" Bian Yingning asked Ji Xiaoxue, who had been silent and looking down since she answered the question.

Ji Xiaoxue twisted her body and didn't dare to look at her directly, whispering, "Anything is fine."

Bian Yingning didn't waste any words, ordering a portion of rice noodles for herself, fried rice noodles for Ji Xiaoxue, and adding more spice to her own.

As they sat at the small table waiting for the owner to finish making the food, Bian Yingning realized that the female lead was too quiet.

"What's wrong? Were you scared just now?" Bian Yingning leaned over to see Ji Xiaoxue's lowered face.

"No..." Ji Xiaoxue's mind was in chaos, and she wanted to bury her head in her chest, not daring to look at Bian Yingning.

Her senior sister's words were so straightforward, it made her... so shy.

"Your rice noodles." Bian Yingning's rice noodles were relatively simple and came up quickly.

Bian Yingning boldly rubbed the chopsticks together to remove any rough edges before taking a bite and then handing it to Ji Xiaoxue. "Ah~ I'll give you the first bite."

Ji Xiaoxue's eyelashes trembled as the red-oil rice noodles were placed right in front of her.

No one has ever fed her food before.

As she was about to open her mouth to eat, Bian Yingning suddenly pulled her hand back, leaving Ji Xiaoxue reaching for nothing, and she looked at Bian Yingning in confusion.

Bian Yingning was eating happily, saying, "You must not like spicy food, that's why you're hesitating, hahaha." She laughed with her mouth full of food.

However, she forgot that she couldn't laugh while eating spicy food.

cough cough... cough cough cough!

She hadn't laughed for long before the spicy oil choked her, and she coughed so hard that tears and saliva flowed together.

Ji Xiaoxue quickly pulled out tissues to help her spit out what was in her mouth, and frantically thought of where to find some water for her.

But there was no water at the cold noodle stall, and in her confusion, a bottle of mineral water that Ji Xiaoxue had never seen before was opened and placed in front of Bian Yingning.

The person dressed in a black dress, like a princess, pressed down on Bian Yingning's head and lightly patted her back to help her spit out the cold noodles that were still choking her throat.

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