Chapter 29

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"SOS -"

Bian Yingning's legs were pressed together and slanted to one side of the horse's belly, unable to touch anything to step on. The only support was the saddle under her butt.

And whether it was because the chestnut horse was carrying two people and was a bit heavy, it was restless and suddenly, a violent feeling of weightlessness came.

Bian Yingning felt like she was going to roll down and be trampled by the horse in the next second, and she was even more frightened.

Scared out of her wits, she turned around and hugged Hua Cancan's neck, burying her face in her arms and shouting, "I'm telling you, if you're a good sister, hold me tight. If I fall down, I won't let you go even if I become a ghost!"

Hua Cancan, who was entangled with some kind of vine, asked, "When did you become so fragile?"

"Fragile my ass!" Bian Yingning retorted, scared but not willing to admit it. "This is called cherishing life. I don't want to die!"

"No one wants your damn life." Hua Cancan looked around at the curious onlookers, even though she had thick skin, she still felt embarrassed.

"Stop yelling, or I'll throw you down."

Bian Yingning exclaimed, "What the hell, that's like a devil's whisper!"

Bian Yingning reluctantly stopped shouting, but the feeling of swaying and instability did not disappear. Fear made her angry, "Hold me tight! What are you doing? Why aren't you holding me tight?"

It was the first time someone had so boldly asked Hua Cancan for something. "... Why don't you just go down?"

What kind of deep sisterhood is this? She is not obligated to be considerate.

She wanted to, but with so many people watching, Hua Cancan couldn't make such a shocking move. She grabbed the reins with one hand and reached for Bian Yingning's leg, wanting to pull her other leg over so that she could sit sideways on the horse.

This isn't some idol drama; why should her legs be stuck together like a lady's?

"Separate your legs." Hua Cancan demanded in a low voice.

Bian Yingning asked, "Separate what?"

Seeing Bian Yingning not moving, Hua Cancan directly got on the horse. Unexpectedly, Bian Yingning tightly pressed her legs and struggled, saying, "What are you doing? Don't touch my thighs, it's ticklish!"

"If you don't want to fall, then open your legs for me! Is this your first time riding a horse?!" Hua Cancan was about to explode with anger.

This last sentence alerted Bian Yingning. No, she couldn't do this. If she continued like this, she would be exposed sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Bian Yingning, who had a strong sense of work responsibility, endured the fear and gently lifted her head from Hua Cancan's arms. Following the force of Hua Cancan pulling her pants leg, she slowly opened her legs and moved to the other side.

Now, although her legs still didn't have a stable position, at least she felt a little safer.

"Wow..." Bian Yingning, whose back was pressed against Hua Cancan's arms, grabbed the protrusion in front of the saddle, feeling a sense of excitement and dominance.

When Hua Cancan thought she was going to say something, she leaned back and whispered in her ear, "Hua Cancan, your chest has a strong presence."

"Ah, no, it feels safe." She felt that the two of them were very close. If she fell, Hua Cancan would definitely follow her.

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