Feeling a sourness in her heart that was unbearable, Ji Xiaoxue didn't want to show it on her face. She continued to smile sweetly, saying, "Which one would you like, Senior sister?"

"Which one tastes better?"

"That one... is pretty good, and also..."

She had to try to let go of her possessiveness. Senior sister wasn't her belonging, and it didn't mean she could be her only friend.

Occasionally being able to hang out with her is enough.



"Thank you, Senior sister."

Ji Xiaoxue looked satisfied holding her milk tea, and Bian Yingning didn't leave immediately. She took the opportunity to accompany her to the dormitory building.

"Why are you thanking me? Here, let's have a toast."

At the time, she also did something wrong. Girls' thoughts are always fickle, but what bad intentions could a girl have? The temper has passed.

"Okay." Ji Xiaoxue touched her own milk tea against Bian Yingning's. "Senior sister, we'll still be friends, right?"

Bian Yingning took a sip of her bittersweet milk tea. "You have always been my friend and a junior sister I want to protect."

Ji Xiaoxue blushed. "Thank you very much, Senior sister. Have you seen the news? If you hadn't come to pick me up after school that night... I could have been the one in trouble."

Thinking of the news about the victim who couldn't be saved, Ji Xiaoxue's heart remained suspended, unable to find a place to rest.

"I saw it. You should still be careful in the future. How about I arrange a driver specifically for your pick-up and drop-off to school?" Although such incidents had only occurred once in the original novel, it's better to be prepared.

"No, it's not necessary. I don't go far on the bus. I'll just make arrangements with the driver in advance. Senior sister has already helped me a lot. I can't trouble you further."

"It's okay. If I'm not using my own driver, he can pick you up... But why did you take such a distant part-time job? It must be tiring to commute back and forth." It probably doesn't pay much either.

Ji Xiaoxue was taken aback. "Isn't this part-time job... arranged by you, Senior sister?"

Bian Yingning was even more confused than her. "Arranged by me? No, it wasn't me... Why would you think it was me?"

For someone like her, the help she can offer is directly through a bank transfer.

"No... it wasn't you?"

But on that night, Shang Qinghui questioned her, asking how she thought she got her current part-time job. Wasn't that implying something?

Other than Bian Yingning, she couldn't think of a second person who would be so kind-hearted and have the resources to arrange a part-time job for her.

"No, it wasn't." Bian Yingning thought for a moment and patted Ji Xiaoxue's head. "Alright, stop overthinking. You got it because of your own excellence, not because someone helped you."

No, not by her own efforts.

Shang Qinghui's words echoed in her ears repeatedly.

"Okay, rest early. It's pointless to think about these things," Bian Yingning comforted.

Ji Xiaoxue nodded while holding her milk tea, only to realize that they had already reached the entrance of her own dormitory building without knowing when.

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