13 May, 2023.

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I woke up quite late today and spent time in my room for the most part of the day.

But for some reason, I felt like going out. With my work schedule being this hectic, I know I need to relax but it feels like my inability to pre-plan my weekend is hampering my chances of exploring the city. Especially now that I have the opportunity of living in a different city and have complete freedom to move about.

Turns out sometimes you can explore the city without much planning. After deliberating for a long time, I had planned to go out for dinner to a nearby panini place all by myself.

But one of my committee mates agreed to meet me so I left towards her area even though it was quite far from mine.

She lives in a nice locality. Why does every place except mine look lively?

Anyway, the cafe we intended to go to had shut down so we walked to another one close by. We, surprisingly, didn't have much options to explore but its okay.

We had a nice chat, mostly about her work and other committee mates. And then since we weren't that satisfied with the food there, we went on a momo hunt thereafter.

While hanging out, she got a call from other committee members to go on an impromptu trip to some nearby hills.

So, here's the thing. I have a tricky relationship with some of my committee members. They've actually become the selfish assholes Placecomm members are known to be. And that behaviour - to some extent - isn't limited to just the other students in the batch. A certain set of people have now become a toxic clique and low key ridicule everyone else in the committee who isn't in that said clique. Or sometimes just exclude them from activities.

I do have my reservations about this behaviour and I know that I cannot sustain the kind of lives they live. If I stay with them for long, I will not be happy with the company I surround myself with. I can only bear them in smaller doses.

Anyway, she got a call and since I was right next to her, she invited me too. I hadn't met this lot ever since the internship started and regardless of the equation we share, I wanted to hang out with them at least once. Especially since the members interning in another city practically meet up every single day.

Plus, I was in mood for some adventure too. So the plan was made and I didn't make it back home today. Instead, I went to my committee mate's place. They didn't allow me to stay there for long as it was night time. So after freshening up, we left for another committee mate's PG.

We met two others there, chilled at this PG for a bit and left. Not to the nearby hills just yet, no. We left to travel 3 and a half hours away to pick up another committee member because..
he didn't have means to travel to the city...


The ride was full of bumps. I guess the headlights weren't too strong but that's also an excuse. We drove for about 3 hours and have just reached the guy's place.

The night is far from done but I'll continue this story in the next chapter.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now