19 July, 2021.

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THE BOYZ : THE BLOOD DEATHMATCH's Ep 7 came out today.

My predictions were so off lol.

Here's the actual Wolf Team
-> Q
-> New
-> Sunwoo
-> Hyunjae
-> Jacob

-> Kevin
-> Younghoon


What?! When did that happen?! They only showed Jacob getting stamped but there's no footage of the other two? And if all three of them got stamped, wouldn't at least one of them have noticed and there would have been some amount of chaos.. but there wasn't? Does that mean Jacob's team seriously carried out the games without realising that they were wolves? Loooooll!

Also, even if we forgo the fact that they didn't show us when the two got tagged, I was completely fooled by them during the liar game round!! Woaaaaahhh! Acting skills boysssss!!

And if those are the wolves that means Sangyeon, unlike my heavy suspicions, remains a vampire. Lol. I'm so bad at this.

So the Vampire Team at the beginning of this episode is :
-> Haknyeon
-> Juyeon
-> Eric
-> Sangyeon

Anyways, looks like the Wolves were able to steal 3/4 of the ampoules and that starts the beginning of the next round. A proper Vampire vs. Wolf round.

In this game, the wolf Team will choose a King Wolf amongst themselves (so I guess they've abandoned the previous plot and we'll never know whether my guess with Q being the OG King wolf was true or even that was incorrect) and then choose any 4 to play in a hide-and-seek like game.

The wolves have the liberty to hide/move around the entire area and the 4 vampires will have to capture them to turn them back into vampires. The vampires, armed with the 3 stolen ampoules can decide who gets to have it and when it can be used. While the vampires, armed with the hard earned items can use them at any time to their advantage.

Hyunjae, Sunwoo, New and Kevin are selected to play in this round but we don't know whether either of them is the King Wolf. What we do know is that neither New nor Kevin had an ampoule to protect themselves and were turned back into vampires after the chase.

Hyunjae, on the other hand, had an up and down round wherein he initially got caught by Juyeon and Sangyeon. But he used the orange ampoule to freeze the vampires for 20 seconds and escaped. However his happiness was short-lived for Juyeon used his item on Hyunjae and ultimately succeeded in capturing him.

Sunwoo was the only 🐺 who survived this round.

So by the end of this episode, the tides were turned and this is how the members are divided:-

Team Wolf
-> Q
-> Sunwoo
-> Jacob
-> Younghoon

Team Vampire
-> Haknyeon
-> Juyeon
-> Eric
-> Sangyeon
-> New
-> Hyunjae
-> Kevin

Team Vampire seemed to be at a disadvantage in the beginning but then I realised there are multiple things that worked in their favour.

First of all, after watching TBZ's own Prince's Game variety show and other content, I learnt that Eric, Sangyeon and Haknyeon are really good at a chase while Juyeon is very competitive.

Having said that, Hyunjae, Sunwoo and New are also witty enough to find an escape (and Jacob is hella competitive) but they were at a disadvantage cause the filming took place at night and due to the cameramen's light, you could easily identify the other members' positions. Also, since the area was really big I think the production team weren't able to install cameras at all locations so the members had no option but to run at a speed wherein they could properly be filmed.

Besides, if in the previous game the wolves had ample time and opportunities to convert the vampires into one of them, in this game the only way they could do so was by using the green ampoule.

Fun episode! I have a feeling the next one will be the last one and th
at after a twist or two, they'll all end up staying as vampires, to keep in line with the overall Universe plot.

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