11 April, 2023.

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Day 2 of Summer Internship, let's go.

Today I woke up and got ready to leave for office. We had to figure out own transport today and I didn't know how difficult it would be to get a ride.

Plus, I didn't know just how BAD the traffic in this city is. Ofcourse I had heard about it but my native city is pretty traffic prone too so I thought I had the patience to sit through traffic.

But not when I'm running a good hour late to show up to my office just on my second day! Plus the roads on this side of the city are build in such a way that you have to multiple U turns to get to your location. So at one point I was legit in front my the office entrance but it still showed 25 mins as per the taxi GPS. We decided to just get off and cross the street ourselves instead of being even more late.

Luckily, the HR Team understood our issue. There were so many others who came after us.

We had Day 2 of our Orientation sessions which was followed by a Revenue session on our floor. I also had a catch up with my mentor. She was very sweet! She treated me to some coffee and we had a good chat on both of our journeys so far, what my goals and desired outcome from this internship is and tips on how I could perform well. I'm really thankful for this chat, it definitely made me feel welcomed in this organisation.

Post this catchup, we had a session on who our key stakeholders for this internship would be. I got to know my buddy, book of work manager and mentor. I also learnt about what projects I would be working on for the next 3-4 weeks. I got to know all of this by Diego, who will be my book of work manager and mentor for the first half of the internship.

Lastly, we got to know our common task for each day - each of us, taking turns, will have to send an email summarising the major news items for the previous day w.r.t. American, Asian, EMEA markets, currencies, commodities, politics, tech and business. We also have to attach various indices and asset price shifts along with the news.

Something that I didn't cover in yesterday's entry is that I had gone house hunting with my hotel roommate after coming back from office. We first visited the area Kristen has scouted for me but weren't impressed with any of the places shown. They were either too small, or too uncomfortable looking.

Since my internship gets over on 2nd June, I needed a room from 15th April to 2nd June. However, none of the landlords in the area allowed me to occupy the rooms for this time period. It was so annoying.

We ultimately left for another locality that one of my (upcoming) office mates had suggested. The room there definitely ticked a lot of my boxes but I still felt like I should explore more places. The area also didn't feel as safe as the previous one, this one was more secluded.

However, I left after 8PM today so looks like I'm not going to have time to check out more places and might just have to ignore the red flags and fix up this place now.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now