28 April, 2023.

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Another week of internship comes to an end.

I had planned to reach office quite early but ended up setting the wrong alarm time. But it turned out to be a good thing cause one of meeting with a teammate in US got pushed to 9:30 PM.

The atmosphere in office was pretty chill for me because
a. Diego was working from home today as well
b. It was one of my VP's last day in this India office and they had a farewell party planned for her post work (not that the interns we're invited)
c. It'a a Friday (lol, I finally get to say this)

I had the luxury of figuring my work out for the entire day. There was some additional work that came up in the middle but Diego and I dealt with it together so that's cool.

I had a late lunch because of the extra work and I guess 3PM is not so normal a lunch time for this company than I thought. I had to choose from very limited options.

Since the day was light, I decided to get a follow up on all the pending offer letters and joining details.

3 of us interns also went downstairs to have a longer-than-normal coffee break and to decide what gift we should give our VP. Settled on Lindt chocolate box. That reminds me, need to take money from all of them.

Oh that reminds me, need to pay others for last Saturday.🙈

The office was nearly empty by the time 9PM came around. I had my meeting with the US teammate although it was interrupted by some call.

Not sure if he expected me to wait until he got done but I needed to leave from office so I did.

Some of us Committee members had an online meet with a new Placement faculty. She seemed very clear with her KRAs and at multiple times mentioned that she will not be taking up our accounts, a debate that almost all Placecommers have with the faculty.

One thing that I'm trying to incorporate in my life is staying in touch with people cause I can easily go out of the radar. So even if it takes up time, I'll try to call someone everyday and catch up with them.

So today I spoke to one of my college friends, dad's sister along with Pamela, Steffani along with my PC senior. Really liked getting to know what's up with their life and also sharing a bit of mine.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now