21 July, 2021.

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Guess my luck with predictions just isn't working with THE BOYZ: The Blood Deathmatch, huh?

I thought today's episode would be the last one but they still have some more content to provide.

The previous episode showed the entire first round of the Vampire vs. Wolf hide and seek game. Sunwoo was the only wolf out of the four participating ones who hadn't gotten caught and it was because he was hiding at the vampire's base the entire time! Hahaha too good!

What's confusing is that when he came back to the Wolf Headquarters, he declared that it's ironic that the only person who didn't have an ampoule didn't get caught. Does that mean New and Kevin had one too? Why didn't they use it then if those ampoules would anyways have been useless if they turned into vampires? Or what if they did and the production team didn't find the scenes entertaining enough to use? Well, that's just unfortunate.

I hope they at least have some scenes with the green ampoule. I mean, they had an entire episode dedicated to just finding those ampoules (and a cliff hanger for the green one), the least they could do is mention when they get used.

Anyways, now that there are only 4 Wolves left, they could choose any number wolves to participate in the next round.

Right off the bat, we got to know Sunwoo wouldn't participate cause he was already tired from the first round. And after roaming around for a while, we saw Sangyeon chasing after Jacob while Sunwoo and Younghoon looked on.

So that means Jacob and Q were the participating wolves right?


This episode was a full on Jacob vs. Vampires round. Younghoon observed that Eric realised the participating wolves in the first round by looking at who were left in the headquarters. So this time they decided to only send Jacob while the others would hide to throw them off. The vampires would spend some time trying to figure out who all they're supposed to capture. That's so smart! I honestly want to see the look on their faces when the realised that the entire time they were all playing against only 1 person. :P

I am not sure who is the fastest runner amongst THE BOYZ but I'm ready to bet Jacob is high on that list! (As also seen in their Prince's Game show) That man can RUN! He seemed a little annoyed that he wasn't able to hide well because of the cameraman's light but he did a great job outrunning the vampires for a long time.

He got caught by Sangyeon and Eric but used the (last?) orange ampoule and got a second chance. (Please don't tell me the green one's already been used). Kevin then caught him but this time, he had to win a "Frying Pan" game against Jacob to actually capture him and take him to the vampire's side. Kevin lost and Jacob was given a third chance. Towards the end of the episode, New caught him and won the Frying Pan game.

So Jacob is actually captured now, right?


Cause the preview of the next episode again showed Jacob hiding. This show has been so unpredictable so far that this could honestly go either ways. He probably hid there as a Vampire hoping for an unsuspecting Wolf to pass by.

Anyways, here are the Teams as of now:-

Wolf Team
-> Q
-> Sunwoo
-> Younghoon

Vampire Team
-> Haknyeon
-> Juyeon
-> Eric
-> Sangyeon
-> New
-> Hyunjae
-> Kevin
-> Jacob

I still think Q is the (chosen) King Wolf tho.

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