22 April, 2023.

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The weekend is finally here!

I initially planned on waking up early to get my daily (now weekly) chores out of the way but as usual, I just couldn't get myself to wake up!

Once I did, I had long video calls with parents and with Steffani and Vera.

Today was the day for me figure out my laundry. I initially thought that multiple people throw their laundry in at once which is why I was a bit iffy when it came to undergarments. But if I get an entire washing machine to myself (for a certain duration), imma throw in everything. And for that I will need to wake up early cause they aren't free most of the times.

Even though the PG provided washing machines, we have to use our own detergent. I didn't have any so I went to the nearby (quite sizable) multipurpose store and got detergent and a lil bottle of oil.

It does take a good hour and 45 mins for my entire laundry to get done. But I'm okay with it as long as I get nice clean clothes to wear when I want to.

My evening was pretty lit today! Steffani made a plan to meet up with two of our classmates/friends from our B School. The guy was someone I hadn't spoken to before but the girl had been my friend during the first month of college. The two of them had gone for a 3 month exchange program to France so we hadn't had the chance to interact much post getting out of our reclusive dungeon.

My PG roommate was headed to the same locality as I was so we decided to travel together. While getting ready, she kept asking me for suggestions - be it clothes or accessories or hairstyle or make up. I mean, obviously girls tend to do that and I've done that with my hostel mates as well. However, hers felt unusually excessive. Turns out, she had actually got herself a date with a potential spouse! (She's a couple years older than me and has been on a marriage hunt for sometime now). I've never been a witness to these kinds of blind dates so looks like I'm about to experience another new thing.

We left the house and luckily got ourselves a cab. The surrounding got increasingly lively the more we entered the heart of the city. This place again felt more like home but slightly more bustling than the place I visited yesterday.

We ended up at the wrong mall in the beginning but the kind cab driver took us to the correct place for a lesser fare than the app suggested.

I waited until my PG roommate's guy was nearby and then left to go to our meet up spot. The others were going to be late so I decided to roam around the area. And the area's pretty lit dude! There are so many trendy cafes and bars around. Heck I even came across a huge ass liquor store along the way. This place is crayyy!

After getting myself a lemonade from a cute drinks stall (and getting asked by a random dude to be his +1 just to enter a club), I finally met Steffani and the other two thereafter. And we had such a good timeeeeee!

We first went to a brewery, got ourselves some food and drinks. We just had a lot to talk about and the time went by like a pleasant breeze! Then we roamed around the area wondering which pub to enter. Most of them had a high entry fee so we were a lil reluctant. Especially since we had pretty much filled our stomachs and just wanted to go to a place where we could dance and let loose.

We ultimately ended up coming across and entering a pub that allowed free entry to ladies along with complimentary drinks. We used our skills to get our guy friend a free entry too. Hehehe... Oh, but the complimentary drinks bit was a scam tho lol. The shots they gave were so diluted that two of us had to go ahead and order ourselves some actual shots. But we did get a free cotton candy so all's well :)

It's been close to 4 hours and we've just finished dancing/enjoying and are now heading our separate directions. Since I can't go back to my place, I've decided to crash at Steffani's. Not sure how we'll manage to get past the landlord's scrutiny but we'll see.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now