2nd April, 2023.

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Will I get rid of my terrible sleep cycle anytime soon?

I woke up late today and had a pretty lazy morning. I did finally unpack my bag so that's a lil productive activity in my schedule.

Grandad and Amanda came over today so I spent most of the day showing them pictures and telling them about my campus life.

Amanda and I watched multiple episodes of a TV series that my parents had introduced me to yesterday.

In the evening, the two of us went around my locality for a long walk. It was interesting to see what all had changed - which all buildings went for redevelopment, which all shops changed, which all cafes opened up.

We ended up eating a bowl of pesto pasta at one of those new cafes and came back to eat more spaghetti and soup. Sorry dad, I absolutely loved the food, eating pasta outside was a mistake!

Amanda's a working woman now so she's gone to sleep. Hopefully I'll get to meet her before she leaves for office with dad.

An Outlet - Part 9Where stories live. Discover now