'Don't Worry About the Small Things'

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A/n: So this crappy author is back- I got through most of my exams so I should hopefully be posting more! Anyway, this was requested by @5c3n3_Qu33n (@ still is not working -.-) Anyway, thank you for this request. I liked writing this because this is something I personally struggle with too. ;-; Anywho, please enjoy! :)

The breeze wafted through the small town nestled between the mountains of sand. Even though the town was minuscule compared to others that you have been through, you still found this one just as lively. 

You walked shoulder to shoulder with Vash as you stayed out of the way of the other passer-byers. Your band definitely stood out like a sore thumb. It was not uncommon that your group got weird stares from the citizens of towns. 

You could feel the eyes burning through your skull, but you continued walking with your group trying not to trail too far behind. You had grown accustomed to the group, they welcomed you with open arms after they had found you in the desert alone. Even though you didn't have much gun experience, you always tried to help out. Doing things like cooking some meals if you have the materials and trying to get money for the group when they needed it. 

Today wasn't much different than usual. You had all made a plan to get some supplies and then get back on the road after. The plan was for Meryl and Roberto to go get first aid supplies and other items you may all need. While Vash and you went to go get food to last you all long enough until you hit another town. Wolfwood didn't really get a job. He probably went out to get some cigarettes for himself and Roberto and is probably wandering the town now. 

You and the blonde scanned the streets of the town. There were different signs littered everywhere. All advertising different stores products. A sigh left your lips as you continued striding through the town, trying to find a grocery store of sorts. Vash was ahead of you his tall figure at an advantage, to see over the crowd of people. 

Trying to keep an eye on his red figure growing smaller in the distance, you picked up your pace catching up to the blonde who was trailing ahead. Upon catching up, you accidentally bumped into causing him to trip. 

"Sorry, didn't mean to bump into you. . ." you said quickly trying to steady him from falling. 

"'S fine, don't worry about it." Vash grinned at you. 

Nodding at him, you both finally spotted a store to get some food for you all. You walked through the few aisles that the store had to offer scanning for some food that would be nonperishable. Occasionally you would both stop to look at a certain item that caught your eye, but all the store had to offer that wouldn't go bad, was beans and canned fruit of some sort. You both grabbed a few cans of these beans and fruits, along with some things you could eat on the road, like donuts or sweets. 

After finding everything, you both walked up to the register and waited in line to check out. The line wasn't too long thankfully and you were able to soon place your items on the counter while the person behind the counter entered the prices into the register. 

"Your total will be $38.74," The cashier said with a grin. 

Vash pulled out his wallet and handed the money to the cashier and offered them, his one-of-a-kind smile. The cashier quickly bagged up the goods your two had bought, into two paper bags before handing them to you both. 

"Bye! Take care!" The cashier smiled as you both began to walk out of the store.

"Bye! Have a great rest of your day!" Vash said with a little wave of his free hand. 

You smiled and waved at the cashier before focusing your gaze on the exit. As you approached the door, Vash opened the door letting you out first with him following behind you. You were back out in the crowded streets and let Vash lead the way back to the others while you stayed close behind him. With the noise of the busy civilization, you both stayed quiet as you walked back toward the car that was in the distance.

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