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A/n: Okay so I have a song kind of going along with this- So this is the link ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF7-rz9nIn4 its also in the top picture area) and so when it gets there I would recommend fast forwarding it to about 30 seconds in and watching it first so that it can help you better understand this-  Also, in this, you know how to play the piano. Even if you don't Irl, you are not alone because I don't play either.

It was about mid-day, and the sun beamed down on the 5 five of you as you drove through the desert. You leaned into Vash trying to fall asleep but failed when your stomach began to grumble. Groaning, you held your stomach and pouted while Vash opened one of his eyes and looked down at you. 

"Are you alright?" He said quietly so only you could hear. You leaned into him more, burying your face in the side of his coat, and stayed silent. 

Wrapping an arm around you, he understood what you were implying and looked around to see where you all were. 

"Mm, Meryl? We should stop at that town over there and get lunch," Vash suggested. 

She looked at the nearing town and then looked at Vash through the mirror and said, "That's a good idea I'm starving."

As Meryl started heading towards the oncoming town, you looked up at Vash and mumbled quietly, "Thank you.. you're the best." You said hugging him tightly. 

He smiled down at you and kissed your forehead. "Couldn't let you starve to death, now could I?" He said quietly. 

Eventually, you all made it to the town and were able to find some sort of tavern to get some food. Opening the door with Meryl in the lead of you all, the whole tavern paused including the music, as they looked at you all. 

"Table for 5 please!" Meryl said holding up five fingers. 

Being ushered to your seats, you sat down beside Vash and at first, the table was quiet. Being in the car for most of the day, everyone was still adjusting to being in a public place and Nickolas was still trying to wake up. You all stretched a bit and then the conversations started. At first, it was normal conversation as in talking about where to go next, and how long to stay in this town. But then, things began to get chaotic. Everyone began to get hangry. 

(Yes I mean "hangry" hungry + angry mixed together.) 

While you all were waiting for food, Nickolas began complaining about the way Meryl's car stunk while Meryl claimed that it stunk because he smoked in it. Then it turned to how Vash and you third wheeled the others. And quickly began to escalate from there. Vash tried to intervene in the bickering going on mostly through Meryl and Nickolas, while Roberto sat quietly smoking a cigarette. Thankfully, no one was murdered because, in the nick of time, the food arrived. Everyone ate their meals quickly and were soon content and full. 

Leaning back in your chair you sat, satisfied with the meal you just ate. "That should tide me over for a few hours," You said happily. 

"How was your food, Vash?" You said looking over at him. 

"It was good! I'm stuffed now," He said happily. 

With conversation striking back up, you sat and listened to the conversation, while from time to time, you would zone out while listening to the music being played. Beginning to zone out again, your gaze wandered over to the person playing the piano. Quickly, an idea popped into your head and you smiled. Standing up, you begin to walk to the person playing the piano and ask if you can play a song. At first, the player was hesitant but soon obliged so that they could go get a bite to eat themselves. 

You sat down on the rickety old bench and placed your hands in the playing position. Taking a deep breath, you prepared yourself to be able to play the only song you knew by heart.  As you were about to start, you were startled when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You pause and slowly look up at the person and feel relieved seeing it was only Vash. 

"What are you doing," He said cocking his head to the side. 

"I was going to play a song on here," You said as a bead of sweat slowly stickled down your face. 

"Although, I need a partner for this song.. you wouldn't happen to play piano, do you?" You said looking up at him. 

He smiled at you before saying, "I used to when I was a kid, I can give it a try if you want." 

"That would be great!" you exclaim as you make room on the bench for him. 

Taking a seat on the bench, you begin to play a repeating rhythm on the piano as Vash looked at you excitedly. 

"I haven't played this song in years!" He mumbled to himself. 

You smiled at him and then said, "Well then you should know what to do then am I right?" 

He nodded and then concentrated on the keys before playing a part. Continuing your repeating rhythm, Vash played the other part. Beginning to get the attention of the other people in the tavern, you both played the keys delicately. Looking at each other from time to time, you would both smile while enjoying the moment. 

The chorus went on for a little while longer until you both finished happily, and the people clapped at your performance. Both laughing, you grabbed Vash's hand and went back to the table with the others. 

"Say, didn't take you as the type to play the piano, Needle Noggin," Nickolas said as he took his cigarette out of his mouth. 

"You guys were so good!" Meryl said happily. 

"Thank you-" You said a little embarrassed. 

Vash smiled at the others before whispering in your ear, "Can we go outside for a moment?" You looked at him concerned and nodded before telling the others you were both going to step out a moment. Little did you know, you both playing the piano brought up heavy memories for him..

Taking your hand in his, you both walk outside and around to the side of the building. "Vash are you alright?" you said as you both stopped walking. 

He stayed silent for a moment, before pulling you in for a tight hug. Stunned, you hug him back tightly and entangle your hands in his hair. Soon you began to hear little sniffling sounds coming from the person you were hugging. Staying silent, you squeezed him tighter letting him know you were there for him you felt your heart sink. Your happy-go-lucky boyfriend was falling apart. You hugged him tighter trying everything you could to comfort him. 

Eventually, as the sniffling continued, you began to say something. "Vash?" you said shakily. He made a small hum while his voice cracked a little. 

"Everything going to be alright.." You cooed. 

"I don't know what happened or why your like this right now, but I'm here for you and I'll help you get through it..." You said hugging him tighter. 

Rubbing his back soothingly, you looked up at him as he hid his face in the crook of your neck. Pulling back a moment, you cupped his face while the salty tears ran down his face. He did everything he could to not look at you. He didn't want you to see him like this. Wiping his tears with your thumb, you feel him nuzzle into your touch. Smiling at him, you kiss his eye's softly before moving to his nose, then his cheeks, and finally his lips. 

"I love you Vash, I'll always be here for you," You said resting your forehead against his. 

He took a deep breath before hugging you again, and he mumbled quietly into your shoulder, "I don't know what I would do without you.. I love you so much.." 

You squeezed him tighter and kissed the side of his head. "Take your time blondie," You said smiling.

The End

Okay, the ending was a little off and sad-  the ending was kind of rushed and I didn't know how to end it- but overall I hope you all enjoyed! 

Word Count: 1379


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