Recovery Process

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This was requested by: @StarryVash Sorry I didn't make it sooner- 

The room was empty and dull. The oh-so-familiar coat that was draped on the chair was gone, along with a pair of shoes. You groaned into the fluffy blanket you had wrapped tightly around your figure annoyed. You were sick. Coughing way too much, along with chills, a runny/stuffy nose, with a sore throat all in one. You groaned annoyed and sleepily and waited patiently for the blonde to return. Vash had previously gone to get some supplies to help ease your sickness sense you both had none on hand. 

So here you were, wasting away as you waited for your knight and shining armor to arrive. You felt a little bad that he had to go out and get you supplies, but you adored him for him to be willing to do that for you..

You sighed again pulling the blanket closer to you and trying to get some much-needed sleep. After getting little, to no sleep last night from coughing, Vash had also stayed up with you to make sure you were okay. Him staying up with you, meant he got little sleep as well. Tears began to prick your eyes thinking about it. 

"What the heck, why am I crying?" You said aloud with a raspy voice. 

Wiping your tears annoyed, they continued to flow without your permission. You buried your head in the pillow just wanting to be done with this stupid sickness. You sighed annoyed before adjusting your position so that you were facing the door. I want Vash to come back, you thought.

Eventually, the door cracked open, and you pretend to be asleep. Vash quietly walked into the room taking off his shoes and setting the stuff on the other side of the bed. Walking towards you, he brushed some hair out of your face with his touch lingering on your warm cheek. He smiled at your figure, before pressing a feathery kiss to your cheek. Pretending to be woken up by that, you stretch groggily before yawning. 

"Your back," You said smiling at him. 

He smiled at you softly before nodding and grabbing the bag. 

"I didn't know exactly what to grab.. they didn't have much in the way of medicine," He says rubbing the back of his neck. 

You smile and hug his waist before mumbling, "Its fine, I just wanted you to come back," He chuckled a bit before leaning down and hugging your small figure. 

You eventually began to cough again and you turned away from him as you covered your cough. Vash frowned a little seeing that your cough hasn't gotten any better. He rubbed your back trying to help comfort you, knowing that you were already annoyed for have getting sick. When you stopped coughing, you turned to him and soften your gaze when he came into view. 

He grinned a bit before grabbing the bag again and pulling out your favorite flavor of tea. Getting excited, he continued to pull out your favorite candy, as well as a small plush. You gasped happily before hugging him tightly and snuggling into him. He chuckled a bit at your little attitude change, before hugging you back happily. 

"I'll help you get through this love," he whispered to you. 

Smiling you hugged him tightly before nodding. 

Squeezing you tightly, he leaned into you a bit and help you close. Feeling his warmth made you slightly warmer and stopped the chills. Vash had always radiated a warm aura and it always managed to pull you closer to him. His cheerfulness and kindness to others was always something you admired about him. 

Breaking the silence, Vash sighed contently before standing up and taking out a packet of your tea. He soon grabbed the small kettle that was in the room along with a small stove and poured water in it before putting the lid on and turning on the heat. He turned back to face you and began to walk back to your small figure, wrapped in a blanket and holding the plush he got you. Helping you lay down gently, he began to tuck you in before pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. 

"Try to get some rest, if you can love. If you can't fall asleep, you can have some tea and try to fall asleep after that," He said grinning gently at you. 

You nodded at him before coughing a little bit and shutting your eyes. Smiling at you, he waited as the water boiled and sat patiently while glancing over at you every now and then. Eventually, the water had begun to boil and he poured the hot water into the small mug before placing the tea packet in. He hummed a bit as he waited for the tea to soak into the water. After about 2-3 minutes, the tea turned a dark brown color. 

Adding a bit of sugar and honey to it, he sighed contently as he took a small sip. He walked over to your side of the bed before seeing you finally fallen asleep. Smiling to himself, he placed the tea on your bedside table before taking off his jacket, and climbing into bed with you. 

Wrapping his arms around you gently ensuring you didn't wake up, he pulled you close to him before snuggling closer into you. 

"Sleep well beautiful.." He said as he began to feel the urge to sleep. 

Your steady breaths began to lull him to sleep. His breathing began to slow, as he slipped into dreamland holding you tightly. 

The End

This one was a little shorter than normal.. I promise one day I'll make a story without typos one day. I proofread everything but I  always end up having a bunch of typos and errors. ;-; 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!


Word Count: 980

TRIGUN STAMPEDE (Trigun) Oneshots and Headcannons.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora