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A/n: Alright everyone! This is my first request! This oneshot was requested by: KISSy_Halik Thank you for requesting! This was a cute one-shot to write.

I hope that this is what you wanted! :D

The sun began to set, while the moon rose to replace it. The yellow and orange sky began to turn a dark blue, as the last little bit of daylight fought to stay just a bit longer. The clouds began to roll in and block out the orange color of the sky making a beautiful scene, as it reflected off of the sand. You watched in awe, as the scene looked so calm and peaceful to you. 

Resting your arms on the railing of the balcony, you lay your head gently on them relaxed and calm. You soon hear the door slide open and the footsteps of the person who opened it. The chair beside you creaks, as you hear a sigh come from the person that resided next to you. 

Turning your head to the person next to you, you see Vash as he mimics your position and looks at you as well. You smile at him as he smiles back at you. Sitting up a little bit, he tucks some stray strands of hair behind your ear. He then scooches the chair closer to you and kisses your cheek, while wrapping an arm around your waist. 

You lean into his embrace, and continue to watch the scene as the sun was almost completely gone by now. Sitting in silence, you both enjoyed each other's company as you both watched the sunset together.

Soon it was completely dark with nothing more than the moon to light up the sky. You sat up and turned to Vash as he smiled at you. Gosh, you loved these moments you had with him. 

"Hmm, blondie.. let's go inside now it's getting chilly," You said grabbing his hand and beginning to stand up. 

He stood up with you and hugged you from behind as you opened the door to the balcony to go back inside. Walking into the room, Vash squeezes you tightly and then lifts you up off the ground and tosses you onto the bed. He soon takes off his jacket quickly before laying on top of you and hugging you tightly. Giggling as his hair tickles you, you move it and cup his head in your hands. 

"I can hold the whole world in my hands," You said smiling at him. 

He makes a small gasping sound, and then says, "Sunshine do you mean that?!" He says surprised but happily. 

"Depends," You say smiling and pecking his lips quickly. 

He pouts and rests his forehead against yours. 

"Heh, love you y/n," He says looking into your eyes. 

You smile and reply, "Love you too, Blondie." You both continued to look into each other's eyes lovingly. 

Soon Vash quickly smirked and kissed your lips. His soft lips collided with yours as you melted into the kiss quickly. He pulled back slowly and pecked your lips one last time before laying on your chest and squeezing you tighter. Turning off the lamp, you cradled his head in your arms while running your hands through his hair. 

Eventually, you both fell asleep in each other's embrace happy to know you both weren't alone in the world. Soon, the moon began to get tired and switched with the sun. Sunlight began to pour through the small window of your room. You opened your eyes slowly as your eyes adjusted to the intruding light. Your eyes eventually adjusted and you looked down at the sleeping Vash on top of you as he softly snored. 

You smiled at his sleeping figure and kissed his forehead softly and began to run your hand through his hair. He nuzzled into your touch as he was on the verge of waking he yawned and slowly opened his eyes. 

His hair was a mess, and he looked at you with half-lidded eyes before snuggling into you again. You smiled at his actions and continued to run your hand through his hair. 

He soon looks up at you again saying in a raspy voice, "I don't want to wake up.. you're so comfortable," He whined. 

You giggled and kissed his forehead, "I never said you had to wake up." He held onto you tightly before getting off of you and sitting up with you sitting up beside him. 

You look at him smiling and begin to slide off the bed to get dressed. Putting on your clothes for the day, Vash sat on the bed still waking up, and yawned. 

Walking to him, you hugged him quickly and then said, "Blondie, you should get dressed we have to meet the others." He nodded and stood up before slipping on his coat and shoes, and was ready to head down to the others.

Vash was still half asleep as you both went down the stairs. He almost fell down the stairs twice, thankfully you were able to support him enough or he would have taken both of you down with him. Getting down the stairs safely, you saw Meryl and Roberto at a table already and joined them there. Soon Nickolas arrived fashionably late and sat down at the table where you all got some food and chatted about where to go next. The conversation changed throughout the meal and it gave Vash time to finally wake up and be himself again. Soon, Meryl began to say something that caught your attention. 

"Since we all agree we will be staying here a few more days if we can, I say me and y/n go out for a girl's day while you three have a boy's day," Meyrl said locking eyes with you. 

You smiled and nodded, "I agree!" 

The boys looked at each other and shrugged while you and Meryl celebrated. After finishing eating, you all paid for the food quickly before going outside.

"Alright, let's go!" Meryl said as she jumped down the step. 

"Alright!" You said excitedly. You both began walking to the town square to find something interesting to do while the boys stayed at the hotel. 

"Oh! Hold on Meryl I forgot something," You said as you ran back to where the boys were. Before you knew it you had made your way to Vash before giving him a kiss and hugging him tightly. 

"See you, blondie!" You said happily while running back to Meryl. Nickolas and Roberto watched you run back to Meryl and then looked at Vash. He was a statue. It took him a second to process what just happened before he touched his lips where you had kissed him. 

"Atta boy Needle Noggin!" Nickolas cheered while hitting Vash's back, as Roberto rolled his eyes. 

Going back to Meryl and you, Meryl smirked at you. "That's what you forgot, eh?" She said teasingly. 

You smiled at her and nodded. She looked at you smiling. "Well, let's get this started shall we?" 

The End

I hope this is what you wanted! Thank you for reading!

Word Count: 1184


TRIGUN STAMPEDE (Trigun) Oneshots and Headcannons.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ