Don't Leave Me..

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A/n: Is this angst or fluff? Guess you'll have to read to find out. Heh. 

The night was quiet and calm. Small chirps of crickets were the only ones who dared to make a sound. Although, even on this calm night you couldn't sleep. Laying in bed with your boyfriend Vash, his arms wrapped around you tightly, you just couldn't fall asleep. You snuggled into Vash trying to fall asleep any way you could. You closed your eyes tightly and tried to clear your mind but unwanted thoughts continued to flow. Eventually giving up, you get out of Vash's grip before sitting up. You slid off of the bed quietly doing your best to avoid the creaking areas on the floor. Quickly slipping on Vash's jacket, you quietly open the balcony door before closing it gently. 

When the cold air hit your skin you shivered and held Vash's jacket closer to you for warmth. You leaned down on the balcony railing and stared at the sky as the thoughts flooding your mind became more active. The unwanted memories of your past quickly flashed before your eyes. Shaking away the thoughts, you tried your best to think of the things that made you happy. Trying to think of something that made you happy, Vash and the crew were the first things that popped into your head. You smiled and remembered all of those memories before you began to overthink. Were you really that important to the group? Maybe Vash was just dating you out of pity.

Continuing to think negatively you could feel the salty tears beginning to run down your face. You snuggled more into Vash's jacket trying to get rid of the intruding thoughts. Your heart began to sink as you sniffled and began to let the nagging thoughts eat at you. Vash deserves someone so much better than you. The words repeated over and over again in your head as you tried taking deep breaths to calm down. 

"What the heck is wrong with me.." You mumbled quietly. 

"There's nothing wrong with you.." A familiar voice said as the figure hugged you from behind. 

You froze up as the figure held you closely. Turning around, you face Vash forcing a smile. 

"Why are you up?" You said as you quickly wiped away your tears. 

As your vision began to clear up you were finally able to see Vash's tired figure with a blanket draped around his shoulders like a toddler. 

You smiled at how cute he looked before saying, "Come on let's go back to sleep." 

As you reached out for his hand, you led him inside letting him walk in first before following after him and shutting the door. Turning around to face him, you bump into his figure as he wraps his arms around you tightly. 

"I've been awake since you got up.. what happened to my little sunshine?" He said gently and with concern laced in his voice. 

Squeezing him a little tighter, the tears began to flow as you buried your face in his chest not wanting him to see you like this. The intruding thoughts came back to you and you hated it. 

You sniffled a little before mumbling, "Please... Please don't leave me..." You said quietly. 

"I know you deserve better.. but.. please don't leave me.." You repeated between sobs. 

Looking down at you concerned, he hugged you even tighter while rubbing your back. 

Not knowing how to begin, Vash starts off by saying, "I wouldn't ever leave you, sweetheart.." 

He kissed the top of your head before continuing, "Your one of the best things that's happened to me.. If I were to leave you, I would have lost my marbles to be leaving someone like you.." He said quietly. 

"I love you so dang much, sweetheart," He said kissing the top of your head again. 

You both stood quietly in the darkness together. Listening to the words he said to you made you feel a bit better. 

Smiling a little bit, all the nagging thoughts began to disappear and the tears stopped forming. You looked up at Vash tiredly as he smiled lovingly down at you. Hugging him one last time, you pulled away and looked at him awkwardly. 

"Sorry about that.. I don't know what happened.." You said rubbing the back of your neck shyly. 

He hugged you again quickly before saying, "It happens. Sometimes things just become too much and we come crashing down. I'm here for you, no matter what." 

You smiled at him tiredly, before yawning and taking off his coat, and draping it on a chair. 

Taking your his hand in yours, you lead him to the bed before saying, "I'm tired now.." as you lay down on bed and shutting your eyes. 

Following after you, Vash pecks your forehead softly, before laying down beside you and wrapping his arms around you. 

Almost falling asleep instantly, you didn't have any more nagging thoughts. You felt as is weight was lifted off your shoulders.  That night, you slept peacefully feeling comforted and loved by your sleeping boyfriend beside you. 

Soon enough, the sun began to shine and you were still fast asleep trying to make up for the lost sleep the night before. Vash soon wakes up seeing your sleeping figure. Standing up, Vash quietly put on his jacket and puts on the holster that held his gun, before writing a small note. He placed the note on your nightstand before brushing some hair out of your face and pecking your lips. 

"Love you, I'll be back," He whispers quietly before sliding on his shoes and grabbing his glasses, and walking out the door. 

He walks down the stairs of the hotel quickly before exiting the building. Being blinded by the sunlight he wanders around the town looking for a cafe. His plan was to get some donuts and your favorite drink and bring it back to you by the time you woke up. His plan was inspired by the many times you have done the same thing for him when he was upset. Finally seeing a small cafe, he enters the small building and begins to order. 

Slowly blinking your eyes open, you yawn before sitting up. Looking around for Vash, you see the small note on the nightstand in his messy handwriting. Grabbing the small slip, you began to read it. 

Hey Sunshine! I'll hopefully be back before you read this.. but if I'm not, I left to get you a surprise! I'll be back quickly. 

Love, Vash.

Smiling at the small slip of paper you stretched in bed and yawned again. You soon hear the doorknob turn and the door sliding open to reveal Vash with a box of donuts and your favorite drink in hand. He sets the things down on the small table that was in the room, and sits beside you on the bed before wrapping an arm around your waist. 

"How did you sleep?" He said flashing his signature smile. 

Smiling back at him you reply, "I slept good, what about you?" 

"I'm glad you slept well, I slept well knowing that you're feeling a bit better," He said before kissing your forehead. 

You smiled at him softly before hugging him tightly. "I love you.." you mumbled into his jacket. 

Chuckling at your cuteness, he replied, "I love you too."

The End

Heheh, the title was a little decieving am I right? Also, can you imagine Vash calling you "Sunshine" or "Sweetheart" It seems so cute! Vash deserves the best. Anyway thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1265


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