Corny blonde

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You had been dating the infamous Vash the stampede for quite a while now. Every day with him was an adventure. Even if it meant potentially certain death, you both stuck together through thick and thin. You never regretted meeting Vash, his presence was comforting and he was always there when you need him most. Currently, you and Vash were sitting next to a fire lighting up the golden grains of sand from the dunes. You had both eaten a bit and were hanging out enjoying each other's company. 

The night was still young, sighing contently you turn to Vash and admire him. His blonde locks draped perfectly around his face and his beautiful blue eyes.. you could look into them all day if you could. Smiling, you lean your body into his and inhale his scent. He looks down at you and wraps an arm around you quickly before kissing your temple gently. You both remained there happy in each other's embrace. The fire crackled and popped as you watched the flames dance and the embers gleam. It was peaceful, time seemed to have stopped for a moment. The wind grew still, and all noises vanished. 

Slowly, you left the blonde's embrace and looked up at him. 

"Hm.. not that I don't love this... But would you be down for a game of cards?" You said holding up the deck you had bought at the last place you both stopped. 

He smiled down at you and replied, "Sure! But don't get disappointed when you lose!" 

"Hah as if, you're going to be losing to me hot shot," You retorted back. 

He smirked and adjusted his sitting position to where he was sitting across from you. Shuffling the cards, you quickly tossed two stacks for you both. 

"So, I decided we're going to play the card game called war," You grinned evilly knowing he never played that before. 

With a pout, the blonde whined, "Ah, why do you have to be so mean..!" 

"Why not?" You said shrugging. 

The blonde folded his arms unamused as you began to laugh at the way he was acting. "Come on Vash, you'll do fine the games simple," You beamed at him. 

Vash rolled his eyes as you laughed at his attitude. 

"I'll explain, basically don't look at the cards I gave you, and then we both put down the top card of the deck. Then, whoever put down the bigger number of the two cards, gets both of the cards. And to win, your trying to get all of the other person's cards," You explained. 

"Once we start you'll understand," You said trying to boost the blonde's mood. 

"Sounds simple enough, I'm for sure going to win this." He says as his mood lifts. 

"What makes you so confident Vashy boy?" You retort back. 

"There's such a thing as "beginners luck" y/n, so I'm clearly going to win," He explains. 

Rolling your eyes you reply with, "We'll see about that blonde, let's begin." 

Placing down the first card you ended up putting down a 7 of hearts. Vash quickly pulls out 2 of spades. Laughing, you take the cards and put it back into your deck. Seeing a tiny erk mark form on his face, he pulls out a 3 of diamonds while you pull an ace. 

"What the hell is this luck I have, I'm already losing," He says annoyed. 

"You're not losing yet Vash, you haven't ran out of cards yet," You reassure. 

You begin again with him beginning to win some while you win others. He quickly got a handle on how to play as you were down to your last five cards. The only cards you had were, a king, a jack, a 7 of hearts, a 2 of spades, and a 10 of diamonds. While Vash had quite literally almost all the cards and all the aces. 

"Down to your last five cards This game is surprisingly easy," He says smirking at how annoyed you look.

"Your annoying," You say smiling menacingly at him. 

"Why thank you, my mother always said it was my most noticeable charm." He says teasingly. 

"Why you-," Quickly you pounce on him as he screams in terror. 

"Wait! You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would you?" He says quickly. 

Snatching his glasses off of his face, you gently hit his forehead with them and look down at him smiling in victory. 

"Your right, I'll hit a guy with the glasses," You say smiling at him. 

The blonde looks at you shocked for a moment and then smiles. 

"You look beautiful right now," The blonde says smiling at you. 

"Yeah, yeah," you say rolling your eyes as you help him up. 

Taking your hand, the blonde stands up and brushes any sand off of his coat and you both sit in silence for a while. The card game ended abruptly meaning that all the cards had gotten mixed up and some blown away. Guess you'll have to buy a new deck you thought. 

Randomly Vash began, "Do you know how to whistle?" 

You looked at him confused "Yeah it's easy why would I not know?" 

Trying to hide the smile he had, he started again, "You should prove it to me so that I know you can really do it," He says looking at you innocently. 

"You are so random sometimes," You said to him chuckling a little. As you were about to demonstrate how to whistle, Vash quickly pecked your lips. 

Stunned, you look at him confused, "What the heck-?" He laughs at your confusion and pats your head. 

"Heheh, gotcha," He smiles and hugs your waist as you were still confused. 

"Your such a corny blonde," You say nuzzling into his side. 

"I'm not corny, I'm just creative," The blonde corrects. 

"Yea, yea, whatever you say blondie," You say hugging him tighter. He squeezed you tighter and rested his head on top of yours. 

"That was a good one though, am I right?" He says chuckling. 

"Sure Vash, whatever you say," You said back teasingly. What a corny blonde.

The end

Heh, I added some of my humor in there- I tried to make it a little funny. I don't know if any of you got some of the references or not but I hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 1054


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