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You sighed at the noise of the bar. The others decided to join the drunken citizens of the town in a state of euphoria for the moment. You all had just barely escaped with your lives, from another attack that happened to destroy the city. Vash did not handle it well although he said he was fine. This annoyed you to the max since you knew he wasn't doing well. It hurt you to see him suffering and having to hold these things in. The others weren't doing too well either. That's concerning you as well but Vash was your biggest worry. The others decided to use drinking to help alleviate some feelings for the time being, but it didn't make them go away. 

A small huff left your lips as you looked at the small glass of alcohol Vash had bought for you previously before getting drunk himself. Maybe you should just drink it and join them in a state of ecstasy. You had a small internal conflict with yourself, as you eyed the glass, and watched the others as they laughed with the citizens. 

"What the hell, why not." You mumbled before tipping your head back and downing the drink. 

You set the glass on the table in front of you as a buzz roamed through your body. This felt better than you had expected. You soon found yourself wandering towards the counter where the others resided. "Y/n!!!!! you finally joined us!" Merly slurred. Beaming down at her, you grabbed another cup not knowing or caring whose cup it was, and drank that too. Cheers erupted through the bar as you smirked before placing the cup on the table. Vash watched you with his cyan eyes as you laughed with the others. It brought a smile to his face seeing you more cheery than you burying your emotions deep down. 

Getting another refill of a cup from the bartender, you held out your cup to the others for them to offer up a small toast. You all giggled before clanking your cups together and sipping on them. At long last, you had lost count of how many drinks you had, but all you knew is that you felt good. And you wanted this moment to last. You held out your glass again towards the bartender to refill when your arm was stopped by someone. Your brows knitted together when you saw Vash blocking your arm. 

"I think you've had enough to drink Y/n.." He smiled tensely at you.

You glared at him, "You don't get to decide that Vash," You spat with venom laced in your words.

He watched you uneasily as the bartender filled up your glass. You took another sip of it trying to get back to your high before being pulled somewhere. Being weaved through the crowd by the figure, you shivered when the feeling of the cold from the outside hit your skin. It was dark besides the small illumination provided by the moon. You were soon sat down on the ground by the person who happened to drag you out here. 

"What's the big idea, I want to go back in!" You said glaring at the figure. 

Vash sighed before crouching down to be at eye level with you. The light from the moon lit up his alluring eyes and they almost seemed to sparkle for a moment. "Y/n.. you need to stop drinking. Your drinking way too much." Vash said looking at your (eye color) eyes.

You let out a small huff as you turned your head away from him. His tense gaze still remained on you. Your head was clouded with memories and problems that had originally convinced you to drink earlier. You let out an annoyed groan, before feeling Vash approach you silently before hugging your small figure. Your eyes widen at his sudden actions. 

"What's this for?" You ask confused.

He stayed silent before pulling away with his hands still on your shoulders. "You seemed like you needed one," He uttered. 

"What's that supposed to mean?! You're the one who needs this! I saw how you were acting today it was so frustrating you were acting like you weren't bothered by the stupid incident when it's so obvious that it's bothering you! And you keep it to yourself. It's so annoying I don't want to see you hurting inside.." You confessed unconsciously. 

TRIGUN STAMPEDE (Trigun) Oneshots and Headcannons.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin