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The day started out normally for you, avoiding gunshots, helping save Vash multiple times, and joining Roberto for some much-needed quiet time. Most days were incredibly hectic so you found yourself at the end of the day exhausted from socializing and staying alive. Sitting on the roof of Meryl and Roberto's car, you looked up at the large amounts of worms in the sky. Although it was disgusting to think about, it was beautiful. 

Looking up into the sky at night calmed you, well for the time being that is. You tried to ignore the angry yells and bickering from Wolfwood and Meryl as he tried to force her to eat a worm. Breaking eye contact with the sky you look down upon your travel companions watching the chaos unfold. 

Seeing the sight of Wolfwood trying to force Meryl to eat the worm remains, you shift your gaze to Roberto downing another bottle of his alcohol. Poor guys going to run out at this rate. Looking past Roberto, your gaze lands on Vash laughing awkwardly at the situation until he locks his eyes with yours. He smiles and waves at you, to which you reply to his gesture with a wave as well. 

Standing up, Vash pats down any sand that might be on his crimson jacket and climbs up to the top of the car with you. 

"What are you doing up here alone? Why don't you come down?" he asks gently, flashing his signature smile. 

Looking at him you reply, "I get a better view of the sky up here. Plus those guys are loud and chaotic," you gesture to the still-bickering pair below. 

Vash lets out a small chuckle and begins again, "The sky is beautiful tonight," he says calmly. 

Replying with a small hum, you look back up to the sky watching the small lights move in the sky.

Concentrated on the night sky, you soon hear Vash clear his throat and begin to say something. "Now that I've known you a while now, you really aren't the talkative type are you?" He says looking towards you. 

You look toward him with a not-very-amused face and retort, "So, you just noticed huh? Some friend you are," You say slightly pushing his shoulder teasingly. 

"Ah, I'm sorry- I wasn't trying to insult you-!" He says quickly trying to clear up what he said. 

You begin to giggle at his apology and as he continued it turned into laughter. Vash was taken aback by your sudden burst of laughter and smiles to himself. That was the first time he's seen you laugh... Smiling at your state, he begins to laugh with you. 

After a while, when your lungs needed more air to breathe, you wiped the small tear forming in your eye and said, "I was joking Vash, I get that a lot." You say still laughing from time to time. 

"Oh, yea?" he said in a questioning tone. 

You simply reply with a hum and he begins again "Well, every day I see you talk to people. You talk to me and all the others... why do people say you're not talkative when you're just fine with us?" Vash asked questioningly. 

"It's called selectiveness, Vash" You replied. 

Making a small "ah" sound he looks back at the sky, his eyes shining as the small lights illuminate his blue eyes. You look at his eyes in awe and reach out to his hand hesitantly. Quickly you draw your hand back and set it on the side of you, what are you thinking.. that would be weird of you.. You look back up to the sky pondering about your decisions until you feel something grasp your hand. Looking at the culprit, you see Vash looking up to the sky while his hand is on top of yours. Blushing, you turn your head away from Vash, hoping he wouldn't see your face. Vash eventually looks at you and realizes he had done that. 

"Ah! Sorry! I just- I accidentally did that- I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable!" He says worriedly. 

"Its fine-," You say looking at him. He smiles feeling reassured and says 

"Then if you don't mind.. I'll leave my hand where it is.." He says quietly. 

All you can do is nod at this point and look back at the sky to calm your nerves. 

"Why is this suddenly happening..?" you think to yourself. 

"Why do I feel this way..?" Soon your thoughts are interrupted sooner than expected by the annoying preacher. 

"Oi, are you both being all lovey-dovey up there?" Wolfwood says amused. 

"Why don't you both come down here and stop third wheeling us?" He said grinning mischievously. 

"Alright, Alright, we're coming," Vash says sliding off of the car. 

Following suit behind him, you sit next to Vash and watch the fire. 

Leaning closer to you Vash whispers "I liked that, we should do it more often," He says quietly. 

You turn to him and nod as he smiles and brushes the hair out of his face. "Oh boy," you thought.

The End

First oneshot completed. Let me know what you all thought. And sorry for the personality it kind of matched mine so I apologize for that.

Word count: 873


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