
785 16 1

A/n: this was requested by @Stinkylmao (My @ is still not working for some reason) But go check out their profile! Thank you so much for requesting this!

A trickle of sweat rolled down your face for the millionth time today. It was blazing hot as always given there are 2 suns. You wiped your forehead with the end of your sleeve before heaving a sigh. Eyeing the men ahead of you as they seemed not to be breaking a sweat. You and Meryl continued together even if you were being left by the others, you both were understanding each others pain. Adjusting the strap on your shoulder to a more comfortable position, you steadied your gun as it swayed while you walked. That was the downside of having a rifle with you, you had to carry it and it was hard to hide. 

Trudging on through the sand, you were getting annoyed by this heat. "Oi, Woldfood, Wheres this so-called church your dragging us all out to?" You jeered. 

He turned his head in your direction before ignoring you and continuing ahead. This pissed you off. Not only were you thirsty and tired, but you were also hot. Really hot. A small erk mark appeared on your face as you scowled at him annoyed. 

"What's his problem, he didn't have to ignore me like that," You thought to yourself. 

You continued following Wolfwood still annoyed to be walking this far, when he said it was a short walk. Rolling your eyes at his previous words you were getting to the top of a dune only to see a town. Your eyes lit up happily. 

"I don't care if you guys aren't coming but I'm going to that town down there," You said already making your way to it feeling energized again. 

The others looked at you before turning to Wolfwood again. "I'm going with Y/n I need a breather," Meryl said as she began to catch up with you. 

Vash was soon to follow you both, agreeing that it would be nice to rest for a bit along with Roberto agreeing and following behind Vash leaving only Wolfwood. He scowled annoyed before following behind you all. 

Your relationship with the ravenette was a complicated one. It was chaotic yet enjoyable. You both often bickered with each other but you also enjoyed being around each other after chaotic times. After meeting the tall, so-called priest, you would have to admit you had a tiny crush on him. But you would rather die than let him know that. Although Meryl was the only one who had caught on to your feelings you had for him. 

After arriving at the small town, it was silent. Not a single noise could be heard nor a single sign of life seen. You all walked cautiously through the town. You all eventually came across a small tavern as the doors were shut. Pulling on the handle, the door opened with a loud creek as you looked in. 

"Hello..? Anyone there?" You called as you peered your head in to see if anyone was in there. 

Not seeing anyone you took a step in, the floorboards creaked from your contact on them. Signaling to the others that no one was there, you walked over to the counter before finding a glass and filling it with water. As the water touched your dry lips, you let out a content sigh while the others did the same. You soon made yourself comfortable on a bar stool watching the others as they happily began to drink some water and cool off. After a while, you began to think, "What happened to this place? Where are the people who live here?" 

"I think this place might be deserted." You eventually chimed. 

The others looked at you before agreeing with your statement. "Looks like it," Vash agreed.

"I'm going to go around and check the town to confirm that, I'll be back," You said as you got up from the bar stool. 

Walking to the doors, you exited and began to walk to the building across the street from the tavern. You opened the door silently for nothing was to be seen in there as well. You turned on your heel to go to another building only to see people surrounding the outside of the tavern. Your eyes widened as they had all types of guns and were about ready to fire. Grabbing your gun from your shoulder, you looked into the lens and aimed at the gun that a man who seemed to be the leader, was holding. Your finger rested on the trigger as you pulled it and a loud bang was heard. The town went silent again and the residents of the village turned to face you. The leader who had shot the gun out of their hand, looked furiously toward you. 

"What happened!" Vash's voice rang out as he quickly opened the door after hearing the gunshot.

The others followed suit behind him only to crash right into him when he stopped in the doorway with a gun to his face. Wolfowoods eyes landed on you with your gun still in position ready to be fired at any moment. "Damn, you looked so hot right now," He thought to himself before it was interrupted by a yell from one of the men.

"It's the Humanoid Typhoon! Get him!" One of the men's voices yelled. 

The others cheered as they began firing at Vash with the others jumping away into the building for safety. The building was being destroyed piece by piece with the raining gunfire and you soon see the window on the side be broken open and Vash, along with Wolfwood and the others jumping out and making a run for it. You soon followed suit behind them as the gunfire kept coming. As you were catching up with the others, you managed to shoot a few guns out of the resident's hands but not enough to help as much. You eventually were able to catch up, running beside Wolfwood before ducking into Meryl's car, and driving off kicking up a lot of sand. 

Breathing out a sigh of relief, you almost forgot that you were squished between Vash and Wolfwood. Your heart rate began to slow, as you finally were able to catch your racing breath. "That was an adventure.." You thought to yourself. Bringing your knees up to your chest, you rested your head on them, feeling tired from all the running and walking you had to do today. But as you were on the brink of sleep, Wolfwoods voice interrupted.

"You looked pretty cool today.." Wolfwood said quietly so only you could hear.

Looking up at his tan face, you looked at him confused. "That do you mean?" You replied back quietly.

You could tell he was rolling his eyes under his glasses as he hesitated a moment to reply. "You looked cool out there when you shot the gun out of the man's hand." He repeated annoyed.

Smirking at his words you reply, "I know." 

He goes silent again while looking straight ahead, you could tell his cheeks were flushed as they had a pink hue to them. You chuckled to yourself before leaning your head on his shoulder to which he stiffens. You chuckle again and remain there as he finally relaxes and looks down at you, this time his cheeks red. 

"Get off me," Wolfwood said harshly, although he really wanted you to remain resting on his shoulder.

You simply ignored him and closed your eyes giving him payback for how he treated you this afternoon. Although you didn't mind this that much either way. 

The End

Okay the ending was a little bit rushed I will probably come back and edit it later but idk just wanted to get this out there. Anyway, thanks for reading!

Word Count: 1309


TRIGUN STAMPEDE (Trigun) Oneshots and Headcannons.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora