"Faith, this is Jamie—she also works on podcasts" she blushed at his comment about her, and he seemed to smile more at it.

Shaking her hand, I smiled friendly at the woman my brother was kind to. "Nice to meet you, I like your hair" I said pointing to the purple she had in it.

"Oh thank you, I love your dress" she pointed to the floral dress I wore.

"See, thank you—Nick said it looked like I was ready to have a picnic with our grandfather" I joked earning a laugh from the group he had invited.

Taking a seat at one of the smaller tables, Jamie sat with me as we listened to the men discuss touring and music, of course I don't know why I expected anything else. "He is really excited to have you home" Jamie said as she turned her attention back to me.

"Its nice to be home, so tell me—what kind of podcasts do you work on?" She seemed kind enough.

"Oh you know, just editing some stuff for ones that are considered up-and-coming, I work on a music one where we discuss bands and well all that fun stuff, I heard you do social media?"

Nodding my head, I sipped my spiked slushie that Jolly had given me, he was making them for everyone. "I do, I model for brands here and there—work on editing every now and then but mainly I just help promote bands and get word out there, isn't too terribly exciting but it's kept my bills paid" I shrugged.

Jamie smiled, it was a beautiful smile that in the corner of my eye I knew caught Nicks attention—"still sounds better than nothing, here, here is my number" she said handing me her phone.
Putting her number in my phone, I sent a text to let her get my number before she added it to her own. "Would be nice to have some more friends besides these idiots" he pointed to the group with her thumb.

A smile was on my face as I looked over at my brother and his friends, all of them discussing stuff amongst themselves. "No kidding, I wouldn't want to be alone with them forever either, growing up with him was a chore sometimes" I knew that got Nicks attention.

Jamie leaning forward, raised her brows with a devilish smile that matched my own. "Do tell, I would love to hear this" she nearly purred.

So I did, I told Jamie stories I knew I could share without getting into too much trouble, ones I knew he would cringe at of course. "He was terrified of fish for the longest time!" I said.

Nick, leaning to the side of his chair, looked at us. "You ladies sure love talking about me, I could tell them the story of you running around in grandma's backyard naked" my cheeks heated at that memory, one I didn't want him sharing.

"You tell a soul, and I will end you" I warned earning a laugh from him.

They began grilling various meats on the grill, Jolly at the grill as Nicholas remained with Noah at the table with their friends, Jamie was off on a small grocery trip with Nick since she didn't have any alcohol she could be the driver for the time being.
Deciding not wanting to feel useless, I stood myself up brushing down my dress that lingered just above my knees before heading inside the home—opening the fridge, I pulled out some salad mix as I washed and began chopping the vegetables. "How are you liking your party?" startled, I slipped as my cut on the knife, thankfully away from the food I had just chopped. "Shit! I am sorry!" Noah's eyes focused on the cut before he grabbed the first aid kit and made his way towards me, "I didn't mean to startle you, Fae" he said as he rummaged through the small white box.

Shrugging, it looked like the cut really wasn't that bad. Running it under water, I cleaned the wound before Noah grabbed my wrist gently to see if he caused me to get stitches or not. "Don't worry about it, I should have heard you come in—" it was true, even though music was loud if I hadn't been so focused I could have heard someone coming in.

"Still, you okay?" he asked as he placed a small butterfly band-aid on the cut.

Nodding, I formed a thin line with my lips as I looked up at him, feeling his body heat against my own, I took a step back from him knowing I needed to. "I am okay, thanks—you can go back to your party" I smiled, instantly regretting the words since I had gotten them wrong, it wasn't his It was mine.

Smile forming on his lips, he nodded his head as he looked at the salad. "Do you want help?" he said stepped beside me in front of the counter.

"You want to help me make salad?" I asked.

His turn to nod his head. Nodding my own head, I cleaned the area I had cut myself before we got back to work on the salad—it didn't take us long. I began washing potatoes shortly after to cut them up and roast, Noah helping peel them of course, we spoke about music and what it was like to go to concerts when we were teenagers. "You two look cozy" Jamie smiled as she entered the kitchen, Nick following shortly taking a small step away from Noah I looked over at the two, both faces seemed a little red.

"Yeah, we were helping get stuff ready, how was the trip?" arching a brow as they pulled stuff out from the brown bags in their hands, mainly dips, chips and more booze I wasn't even sure we needed.
After telling us in a rushed story why they were late coming back, I didn't press further as they headed back out into the yard where the others sat—looking at Noah, I felt bad he had to stand here with me when he could be with his friends. "You can go outside; I can finish up here" I gestured to us chopping the potatoes.

"Nonsense" he smiled down at me, "we're making something delicious" his comment had my cheeks burning as I looked down, focusing on my trembling nerves as I continued.

The rest of the night went smoothly, or as smoothly as I suppose it could go—the guys all drinking, snacking away after the bigger meal we had and even busting out their karaoke machine, for singers and musicians it was a treat to see them do this of course. Jamie and I sat near the door as we watched the guys, and their dramatic singing. "So, how are you liking your party?" Jamie asked, keeping her eyes on my brother who sang like a fool to his friends.

"I mean, I won't lie—as lovely as this is, I feel like it's a bit much for me, I'm kind of tired" not exactly a lie, it did all feel super overwhelming for me still.

Eyes meeting mine, she smiled softly. "Go inside, get some rest, I think the guys won't notice you leaving your own party, trust me, I know" she said.

Thanking her, I once again mentioned it was nice to meet her as I slipped inside, feeling the warmth of the house welcome me, I hadn't realized how cold I was until now.
Heading down to my room, I cleaned the makeup off my face before picking out a PJ set—sitting down on my bed, I could feel exhaustion starting to welcome me.
Hearing padding on the stairs, I looked up as Noah entered the doorframe of my room, "leaving your party already?" he asked gesturing to the clothes now on my bed.

A smile on my face as I nodded—guess one person noticed me slipping away. "I am, it was lovely, but I am pretty tired, you go, have fun and make sure Nick doesn't drink too much more or else he will get a hangover" I joked.

A smile spread on his face as he looked at where he had walked from, turning to face me his eyes met mine as he licked his lips. "Will do, Fae. . . you have a good sleep, have delicious dreams" he teased winking at me, tossing something onto my bed before closing my door for me.

Cheeks heated as I watched the door, hearing him go upstairs I let out a loose breath. I was going to be in so much trouble living here like this. Grabbing the small object Noah tossed in, I couldn't help but chuckle seeing a small spoon he had tossed referring to the incident in the kitchen together. Yawning, I lied down in the bed and tried not to listen to what Noah had said before closing my bedroom door.
But I did, I let sleep and exhaustion welcome me into a delicious sleep with the most delicious dreams.

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