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Khushi never been this excited, her son have a girlfriend.. He is all grown up.. She hugged him tightly and patted his back.. While Raghu's eyes never left Saira..

Varsha seems neutral to both of them.. She is happy for her brother yet disappointed for Saira... Love is something that is can't be forced..

Khushi broke the hug and asked him, "When will you bring her?" holding onto his arm.

"She will attend mehendi function." He promised.

Khushi's smile widen, "Will she like me?"

Arnav and Raghu chuckle at her question, "Of course!" They said simultaneously. Raghu said, "I hope you will like her Khushimaa.. She is a very nice girl."

Khushi gasped, "Oh.. My boy is totally fallen for her huh?" She laughed.. Teasing her son.

Saira escaped from there and went to garden side.. She cried heart out.. Raghu followed her out...

He knew, this girl...

She is just like his mom... Her upbringing after all... Innocent and pure, she is intelligent, kind.. She is beautiful inside and out... It was him.. He lost his cool for the moment he realised how she affects him... For him she is a wonderful girl who can have a great life with anyone...

Her red shy face when she comes out... He almost lost his composure... Seeing her face with her breathing hard... His desire..

He can't give her hopes... He can't give her anything... She deserves someone better..

He wished to cruel to her yet he can't continue doing so... This girl is his mother's favourite...

He stepped up to her, "Miss Mathur.. I.."

Saira stood up and wiped her tears.. "Shut up MR. RATHORE! Please! Listen to me first!"

Raghu stayed silent let her speak...

"Tomorrow is my late mother's birthday.. I always gift my friends and family members clothes... You being the new family member, I did not know your size.. So I.. I hope that explains your misconceptions about me.." She said coldly, Raghu was a bit struck down by her side of story....

" Saira I.. "He was interrupted." Call me Miss Mathur!"She said making him feel his own medicine.

He sighed,"I'm sorry whatever I said to you.. But you being in a man's room while he is changing.. Do you think you're right?"

Saira was about say something, but he cut her off, "Say.. I were in your place, hiding in your room while you were changing.. Won't you just kill me?" He asked softly..

She was stunned, "I.."

Raghu took a deep breath, "I lost my temper.. I'm sorry for yelling at you. But aren't you interested in me?" He asked honestly.

Saira looked away in tears, "I.. I.."

"Don't say... Please.. Don't say something like that.. I can't.. I'm committed to someone else and I'm not scum who will take advantage of you.. I'm serious of my relationship and responsibilities.. Miss Mathur you're a great person.. You will get someone who is more greater than me. I hope you will move on and.. Please let your feelings go.. I trust me it will be better that way.. "He said with calmly.

Saira gulped back her tears, her first love..

" Miss... No.. Saira I think of you as my family member... You're important my mother, in my absence you took care of her.. I can't stop appreciate you for that nor can I thank you enough for it.. Still I don't think I have done anything to make you feel like that... But if I did misled you.. Please forgive me if I have misbehave with you.. "He said sincerely.

Saira smiled sadly," You're right.. You're not the only man in the world... I'm sorry for falling for you.. I.. Will try to forget this feeling.. So.. Can we be friends? "

Raghu look at her in surprise," Just friends right? "

Saira laughed, "Yeah don't worry about it.."

They both shook their hands.

Raghu feels a bit down yet, having a new friend doesn't seem to be bad after all.

He almost made it a blunder.. Sometimes the quality of his rude father do exist in his gene after all....

He sighed, they made peace..


Shakshi was flabbergasted,meeting Raghu's real mom?

"You told her what?" She raised her voice in shock.

He sighed,"Shakshi.. I never lied to you.. I will tell you something.. There is a girl who my mother raised... I feel attracted towards her.. I mean physically.. To stopped myself from doing something stupid... I did something stupid as I confessed I have a girlfriend and made you my girlfriend which you're not... "

Sakshi looked at him silently," Are you mad? "He asked. She slowly shook her head and hugged him tight.

" I'm sorry for burdening you like this.. I'm sorry... For all these sacrifices you did for me... "She cried.. Raghu you're my best friend.. My soul mate who I love the most... I will make sure that you will get the life you want... I will make you realise that you don't need carry this burden all your life.. If you like that girl, I will get you both together.

On the other hand...

Varsha console Saira, "I told you already, he must be taken.."

Saira look at her with red swollen eyes after crying out.. "I.. I'm stupid.. I know... But.. Why is his eyes are saying opposite.. I don't understand anymore! Argh.."She sobs hard.

" Di, please drink this milk and sleep.. This will pass soon trust me.. We are still young. My brother more mature of course he will like someone mature... "Varsha's advise didn't work but made her sob even more..


Day of haldi...

Sheetal was having dinner with Anjali," Their son have returned... He is Rathore! Che... Now they will live happy while we both suffer in our life all alone! "She shoved of her food.

Anjali frowned," My, how do you know all these stuff happening in their home. "

Sheetal fumed in anger," I have my source Anjali... Their son is a Raghu's girlfriend... I heard he may marry that girl soon after his parents remarry.. He apparently loves her that much... I wonder what would happen if I were to kill her?"

Anjali gasped, "Are you crazy! You will get caught!"

Sheetal glare at her, "Shut up, don't put words into my mouth. I know what I'm doing. His son will suffer the same fate as I do... He will be alone forever after losing his lover... Arnav and Khushi both will suffer seeing their son live a lifeless after losing his love..."She laughed evily making Anjali shiver in fear..

" God this woman is crazy..." Anjali thought.

To be continued....

His guys, I'm having worst times of my life.. So I'm trying to divert my mind to writing, please tell me what you think about this, tq.

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