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Arnav remember the first time they met.. She falls into his arms, where she really belonged.. They used hate each other, hate turn into care.. Then.. Feelings blossom into beautiful flower called love..

But flower also comes with thorn.. That thorn is his uncontrollable temper..

Still to this day he remember his mother shooting her head off before him and his father.. Soon his damned father also killed himself..

He used to hate marriage and love.. But it changed.. After seeing her.. He longed to make her his... That's the reason he married her...

He thought she will change her mind once she marry him..

Their marriage life was nothing but wonderful bliss.. Everyday he will be looking forward to go home.. To greet by his love.. Her love seemed genuine.. He was confirm that she is his... Entirely..

He hugged her from behind making her gasped, "Arnavji..." She said shyly..

He can't possibly control himself when his beautiful wife is looking all sexy.. "Tomorrow we are going somewhere so.. Look forward to it." He said with his husky voice.

Khushi looked at him in excitement, "Where?"

He gave her a meaningful smile.. "Surprise.."

Khushi pout her lips at him, he lean in and peck her soft lips. "Wait for it!" He said.

He is going register their marriage tomorrow and then tell their family about their marriage.. He is looking forward have her forever in his life...

"I think.. I should take a leave today.." He said with flirty tone.

"Why.." She blushed..

"To make mini ASR or Mini KKGSR!" He said and picked her up in his arms..

"Arnavji!!" She laughed..


But he never thought that he hear her talking to Shyam the same day...

"Haan.. I got the money.. But I don't want money.. Just your love and care is enough.. Huh? I'm working at office so can't talk for long.. I will call you tonight or tomorrow morning.. Bye." She said and cut the call.

Arnav entered their room normally without any expression, he feel dead inside.. She is still in contact with Shyam?

She was him walking in.. She had a huge smile.." Arnavji.. I want to tell you something.. You will be really surprised!" She said with teary eyes.. Acting all emotional..

"What is it?" He asked nonchalantly..

"Take a guess.. Naa.. Let me give you a clue... You were talking about this yesterday.." She said and blushed..

He didn't believe in this woman's nonsense at all, not anymore..

"Oh then let me guess... You're sleeping with my brother in law for money right?" He asked cruelly as his own heart bleeds..

Khushi looked like him shock, "Arnavji?"

Arnav never felt so stupid in his entire life.. He laughed as his tears coming out.. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! I THOUGHT YOU WOULD CHANGE... BUT AFTER EVERYTHING WE SHARED.. YOU STILL HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH SHYAM AREN'T YOU?" Why Khushi.. I love you.. Why did you do this to me? His heart cried..

Khushi closed her ears in shame of his disgusting words..

" Now you're feeling ashamed huh? Say.. When I wasn't at home.. Did you in case... Invited him in? " He asked her suspiciously..

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