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Raghu felt better that he wasn't a product of affair.. And his mother is married to his father.. Ritually..

"Is your marriage legal? I mean did you guys registered it?" He still isn't ready to trust that man..

Khushi let go of her mangalsutra, her eyes were dimmed.. "Yes.. You're right.. We didn't register it.. I was so stupid.. I trusted him.. I surrender completely without a single question..."

Raghu felt his nerves are twitching in anger... He is known for his bad temper after all.. He held his anger back.. Not wanting to scare his mother..

Still she noticed his expression which was a bit familiar to her.. Khushi held his hand tight and said, "No need of talk about him.. He is no longer needed my or my baby's life..."

Raghu gulped at her innocent eyes, the child she cherish so much is himself... "I missed you.."He blurred out.

She looked at him, puzzled..

" I mean.. I miss my mom.. She was so much like you.. Selfless innocent woman.. I hope you could be little more selfish.. " He said with politely.

Khushi smiled.." I will try to be!"

Raghu chuckled at her confidence.. "And wish me well.. I got an interview tomorrow." He have to take care of her financially.. About the child in her womb... If it is became a threat to her life.. He will do whatever it is necessary to get rid of it...

"Wow! All the best.. I know you will get the job!" She patted his shoulders.

He smiled widely.. He never lose at anything in his life... And with her wish.. He could win the whole world.

He is going make her proud of him!


Khushi woke up in middle of the night, open the window of her room..

Saying something is so easy but in practical it wasn't something can be done in mere days..

She loved and trusted that man.. She thought he is her Prince charming.. Her sister gotten married to the same family.. Making them even more close during the pre marriage ritual of her sister Payal..

Everything was perfect.. They both liked each other..

On the marriage of their siblings.. He proposed to her.. Asked her to marry him.. She was surprised and touched by his confession..

"I want you in my life Khushi.. You know how much I used to hate word love and marriage... Yet everything changed after meeting you.. I can't let go of you that EASILY.. After messing with my heart.. So I want to marry you.." He said honestly.

Khushi replied shyly," Arnavji.. Woh.. Bring your family and talk to my family.. They all like you so they won't refuse you. "

Arnav looked dissatisfied," I hate stuff like rituals and dramas.. You know right Khushi.. We already spent our time with Akash and Payal's ritual already.. Let's consider it as our also.. "

Khushi frowns," What do you mean Arnavji? "

" Let's get marry and keep our marriage a secret for a while.. "He suggested? No he stated clearly.

Khushi paled at his words.. She was happy to be his wife but without her family's consent, things could go terribly wrong..

" No Arnavji.. We can't do that. "She refused.

" Seriously Khushi? I let go of my hate for marriage for your sake.. Can't you just agree to my one condition at least? It be will just for a month.. After that we can announce it to the whole world. "He said looking hurt.." Don't you trust me Khushi? "

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