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Light jazz music filled the restaurant, along with the chatter and occasional laughs from the table in the corner. Hilton, Walter, Cleo, Benny and Jennifer sat at the table in the corner. Cleo and Jennifer are on the couch while the others are on chairs. "So you ran into each other at a tournament?" Hilton asked, a large smile on his face.

"Yes, I know hilarious isn't it?" Benny said sarcastically as he sipped on his beer.

"How awkward was it?" Cleo asked, glancing at Jennifer.

"Huh?" Jennifer said, bewildered.

"You and Benny,"

"What about it? What?"

"Nevermind," Cleo sighed, Jennifer turned back to face the rest of the table and placed her coke down onto it. "So, Paris in a few months?"

"Yeah... I guess," Jennifer shrugged

"Well, you don't sound very excited?"

"I'm just... nervous I guess,"

"You'll do fine. But anyways, we should get going," She sighed as she stood up, Hilton and Walter following her lead automatically. "Is it safe to leave you two alone together?" She smiled looking between Jennifer and Benny.

"I can assure you," Jennifer sighed as she stood up kissing either one of Cleo's cheeks and saying goodbye. She sat back down, Benny in front of her.

"You hate me, don't you?" He sighed as he leaned back.

"No I don't," She defended.

"Really? because you keep zoning out and staring at me so it's either your imagining killing me or your imagining kissing me. I think we both know which one it is,"

"I don't hate you, Benny, I don't have a reason to,"

"Mhm," He said unconvinced "Care for a drink?" He said glancing down at her coke.

"No, I don't drink anymore," She sighed,

"Really?" He furrowed his brows. Not sure if he believed her or not.

"I quit not long after we broke up," She explained, it was weird when she mentioned the breakup. It was a no-talking-about subject when people were around but when it was just the two of them, she bought it up like it was nothing.

"And smoking?"

"And smoking," She assured.

"I'm impressed,"

"Thank you, it wasn't easy," It was quiet for a second "I know you don't believe me,"

"I hate the fact that you know me so well,"


"So you do hate me?"

"Just a bit,"


"I don't know," She shrugged "I wouldn't let it hurt your feelings too much, its only me," It went quiet again "I hate quiet,"

"I know you do," The two looked at each other for a second, it was almost scary. They knew so much about each other, they knew how each other felt and thought. They couldn't keep a secret from each other, it was impossible. "Whats with the sunglasses," He asked,

"Whats with the knife," She said glancing down at the knife that sat in his pocket.

"I asked first,"

"You can tell a lot from someones eyes, so I hide mine,"

"Really? What can you tell from mine?" He looked at her, the two were caught in each other's eyes. They stayed like that for a minute before she looked away. 

"Um...." Jennifer cleared her throat "I don't... know. I should really get going," She said as she stood up.

"You haven't finished your drink?" He said as he stood up with her, he looked down at her, she only glanced before she spoke.

"Benny I- We can't be alone together..."

"What? Why? Nothing happened," He defended.

"You said it yourself, things will always happen,"

"Jennifer, you always do this, you talk yourself into a mess. And in a couple of days, you'll be back with your sorry's. Just leave things as they are, if something happens then so be it,"

"We cant have things happen, Benny," It went quiet again "I have to go," She finished before walking past him.

"You'll be at my house? Tomorrow night?" He asked, turning around to try and catch her before she left.

"I hope so..." She trailed, still not turning around but walking off leaving Benny in the restaurant.

"Difficult," He sighed before he sat down, staring at her half-drunk can. 


Jennifer stepped into the club, She had a short red dress on with a matching furry black scarf. She wore long black gloves and platform heels. Her hair was down and long, her eyes sleek and dark. She sighed as she looked other the busy club. "Jennifer?" Alice said from beside her. "We dont see you around here much anymore,"

"Yes, unfortunately I've been very busy, when are the acts on?"  Jennifer answered

"Just twenty more minutes,"

"Good, I want a taxi called for me in ten," Jennifer spoke as she placed her bag on the table in the bar.

"Arent your staying for the acts?" Alice asked as she hopped behind Jennifer.

"No," Jennifer replied. "I want you at the stalls, Ill take the bar," She said as she headed to the bar front. "What can I get you?"

"Whiskey," The man replied, she spun around swaying her hips to the music and prepared the drink before sliding it over the counter to him, taking the money. She mumbled quietly to the music as the casino bustled with people. She was bought back to reality by a cigar in front of her. She jumped back following the hand holding it. 

"You don't smoke anymore?" A man asked, she looked down seeing a familiar face.

"I've told you this before," She smiled as she hopped down from the counter.

"Yes yes, stopped when you broke up with Benny,"


"Say, how are you and Benny?"

"Uh, just friends,"

"So, you don't see any future for you two?" Lorenzo smiled, turning his head to the side.

"Why do you ask?" She laughed quietly.

"Wondered if I could take you on a date, tomorrow night I'll pick you up?" He asked

"Uh..." She trailed, tomorrow night she would go to Bennys. She couldn't choose, Benny or Lorenzo. 

"Don't feel like you have to decided now, Jenny," He said as he stood up, sliding a piece of paper across to her. "Im free tonight as well?" She looked at him for a moment, she didn't have to choose. She smiled and laughed before grabbing her bag.

"You have one hour,"


"...Fine," She smiled as she joined his side, he slid his arm around her waist as the two walked out of the club.

Jennifer woke up in the morning, her mind foggy but one thing was obvious. Next to her was Lorenzo, and she was in his house, in his bed, in his shirt...

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