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She opened her eyes slowly, she furrowed her eyebrows unsure of where she was. "What the..." she mumbled as she rode her body feeling a weight on her waist. She looked down to see a hand covered in silver rings wrapped around her. She then saw her bare body, her face went white and her mouth opened wide.


Cleo was going to fucking kill Jennifer. Jennifer was going to fucking kill Jennifer. This could ruin everything. This could cost everything. This was going to change everything. Jennifer began to panic, her body shaking. "You all right, Jen?" Benny asked slowly, his voice corse and tried.

"...no," she replied hearing how shaky and terrified her voice was. Benny widened his eyes at her concerned.

"You look like you've just seen the afterlife, come back to bed," he groaned buried his face into the pillow.

"I-" she breathed "I can't," she stood up quickly grabbing a random long jumped form the floor and pulling it over her body as she left the room. She looked around quickly spotting her suitcase and zipping it up quickly doing the first thing she could even think about doing.

"Jen?" Benny asked form his door squinting at her confused. "Jennifer?" He asked again following her around "Where are you going? Are you all right?"

"Benny I- I need to go," she said quickly as she got to the door. Benny quickly slithered her hand around her waist pulling her into his body.

"What the hell is going on? I don't understand," he sighed "Last night you said you had feelings towards me and you-"

"Benny whatever the hell I said last night doesn't mean anything okay? This didn't mean anything. We aren't anything! We weren't anything! We will never be anything!" She shot pushing her finger into his chest pushing him away from her. "I don't like you, Benny. I don't care for you, I don't have feelings towards you, I don't feel shit towards you!" Benny eyes were masked with hurt and shock.

"...what?" He asked slowly.

"You wanna know a secret?" She smiled, her face masked with hatred and anger "I was on so many drugs last night! Whatever the hell you think I said was the drugs, it wasn't me!"

"You... what?" She shut the door, disappearing into the streets. "Jennifer..?" He whispered to himself as he took in the words. He took a deep breath, everything she said last night... was a lie. None of that was real. He felt a lot of things but most of all betrayed. He trusted Jennifer enough with some wine and tried not to be too strict on the alcohol and she just...

He didn't know what else to do besides by stand by the door while flashbacks of that night ran through his mind. All the things she said... wasn't her. If he had known she was on drugs he wouldn't of done anything but get her to bed, but... he didn't know.


Jennifer shut the door behind her, kicked her shoes off before sliding her back down the door. She buried her face into her arms and bought her knees to her chest. Salty tears began to trickle down her face and her throat began to ache. "Fuck!" She screamed before taking in a deep breath. "Fuck," she lowered her voice and went to step forward before her foot slipped slightly on a little letter.

She furrowed her eyebrows weakly, the edges of her vision blurred as she bent down to pick it up. She slid her thumb under to envelope and read it. 'Jennifer you have not attended the club for 3 unexcused days. You have been fired.' She squeezed her eyes shut, rubbing her hands through her face.

She dropped the letter walking to the kitchen slowly pulling it open hearing the sounds of bottles and glass hitting each other. She pulled a bottle of red wine from the fridge, opening it and taking a large swig. She suddenly felt very calm, very peaceful. Less angry than she was before, her body finally taking in something other than water was a relief.

She rested her head onto his chest, the two taking in long deep breaths.

"Jen," he breathed

"Mhm," she replied

"You know how we agreed that, after this night we pretend this never happened?" He asked


"I can't keep pretending,"

"I can't either,"

"I like you... a lot,"

"I like you too... a lot. I think before I was just... pretending,"


"Yeah, to like... not like you or whatever,"

"Why would you do that?"

"I don't know,"

"Your very beautiful when your tired," he complimented making her smile.

"I like you hair," she said back making his smirk grow as he wrapped his hands around her holding her close.

"Yeah, bet you do," he answered "I didn't think this would ever happen... us,"

"Why's that?"

"I didn't think you would ever admit that you liked me,"



"What do you mean admit?"

"I mean, I knew you liked me. But I didn't think you knew," he explained making Jennifer laugh.

"I didn't know?"


"Well, what the hell does that mean?"

"Means that, you liked me but you didn't want to because it was going against what Cleo advised of you," this reminded Jennifer of the things Cleo had told her.

"...am I just, a chess game to you?"

"What?" Benny smiled at the slightly weird question.

"Am I a game to you?"

"Of course not,"

Jennifer drowned his voice out with alcohol and smoke from cigars. She lay slumped on her sofa watching an documentary about what she thinks is the creation of yarn? That to her was the funniest thing ever. She laughed at almost everything the documenter said. Not really sure why it was so funny to her but funny enough to make her feel better.

Her living room was shattered with empty bottles and lids, cigar boxes, packets of food and plates. She was a mess...

One Game | Benny WattsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora