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"Now you see the Pawn there," Benny explained pointing to the board in front of him as the men around him watched in awe. "The minute that Pawn moves, it opens up the King meaning the Queen can just," he moved the queen across the board. "And that is how you win in 4 moves," he leant back crossing his hands over his chest, with a smirk on his face at his own example. The men looked between each other then back at Benny "Course if you want to learn anymore, my book is always on offer,"

"How did you learn to be so good at chess? Hilton asked boosting Benny's ego dangerously high.

"I don't know, I just always have been," he shrugged. A familiar voice echoed through the the club, he turned his head alongside the other men. He saw the elegant woman on the stage swaying her hips slightly as her hands trailed up and down against the microphone stand. Her long red dress draping across her body with a belt with Channel detailing in the centre accentuating her waist. She wore matching red glovers and heels and she sang it a flirtatious manner, all her words elongated or ended in a cute little laugh.

She glanced through the crowd locking eyes with different men as she did. She locked eyes with the man from a few days prior. His soft brown eyes looking at her, unlike the way the rest do then men where. He was looking at her with curiosity and examination whereas the rest of the men's biggest curiosity was what was under her dress. She sang, her voice steady and she drew her glance away from Benny after looking at him for a little too long.

"Jennifer Martinez," Hilton said. Benny drew his attention to him.

"Hottest chick in history if you ask me," Walter added

"I've spoken to her," Benny shrugged as he looked back up at her.

"Really when?" Walter pushed

"Few days ago, nothing big but we spoke,"

"Shit, Benny," Hilton whispered looking back up at her.


Finally, her show came to an end and she could go home. She stumbled into her dressing room seeing the floor covered in cloths, empty bottle of pills and beer. It was a total mess, but what was it to her. She was only in here for about 1 hour most every few days. She grabbed her bag and coat and got ready to go. She could barley walk in a straight line after all the stuff that was in her system. She shouldn't really be walking home by herself but she was.

As she walked, she noticed a chess board on one of the tables. She slowed her walk slight examining it and it's pieces. Ignoring the players. It was a good yet tricky game that enticed her yet she walked on picking her pace back up. Benny watched her walk past him after she stared at his board. He could see in her eyes how tired she was. How her face dropped. Surely she's not walking home ... like that.

"Hey Jennifer!" He called not even thinking about what he said until after he said it. He knew they weren't really friends and haven't really spoken but he can't let her go out like that. She's asking to be run over. She turned her head, her curls bouncing around her as she did. She squinted her eyes at him before they softened making Benny relax slightly from his impulsive move. He motioned for her to come over. She bit her lip slightly not sure if she should but she did anyways.

"Hello?" She asked him

"I saw how you looked at the board. You know how to play?" Benny asked

"I might," she raised one shoulder quickly before dropping it. She looked at him, looked at his face. He looked so damn familiar it was painful the fact she couldn't pin point where

"One game," he leant forward over the board. Hilton in front of him moving over quickly freeing the space. Normal Jennifer? Would've said no and left. But this was high Jennifer and she... was a completely different person

"One," she bargained sitting down in front of him placing her bag on the side. He smirked and rearranged the board. She wasn't bad a chess but she wasn't amazing. Her brother was though. He was English World Champion at chess and he used to practice with Jennifer. She always used to get dragged a long to his games so, she picked up a thing or two on the way. Wether she could beat US Champion well... time would tell.

"Care for a drink?" He asked.

"Yes, actually. Thank you," she smiled

"Walter, you'll got and get her a coke right?" Benny turned to his friend with a raised eyebrow

"Me? yeah. Yeah of course," Walter stood up and went to leave

"Beer," she corrected. Benny sent her a look, his face was so familiar it ached at her mind. She slid a white glove off her hand to play, leaving it on the side

"Would you like to be white?" He asked. She assumed it would be best.

"Yes," she smiled as he spun the board around for her. Pawn to D4 was her first move. Pawn to D5 was Benny's. Knight to G3. Knight to F6. Sicilian Defence. The game was on.
One game. 


Jennifer bit her lip before placing her King to the ground reluctantly. The crowd that formed around clapped for a moment before disappearing back to the their conversations. She downed the rest of her beer and stood up. "Your not playing again?" Benny asked

"I said one game. I'm a woman of my word," she shrugged as she grabbed her bag. "Thanks for the drink," she thanked to Walter. Walter gave her a polite nod. "Good game,"

"You play well. To well for it to be your first time,"

"It wasn't," she replied before walking out the door. She headed down the road. She shouldn't of had that beer she told herself as she walked slowly through the streets, a wobble in her step.

Benny sat in the club and thought for a second before standing up and heading out not too far behind Jennifer. He turned to his left, she wasn't there. Then to his right. Bingo.

"Jennifer!" Benny said for the 4th time. She turned around to see an out of breath man. Behind her

"Did I forget something?" She asked

"No, I-" he breathed heavily "Could I get your number?" Jennifer raised her eyebrows at him. "Please I, I'd like to play against you again," he explained. It seamed reasonable to high Jennifer. He pulled a pen form his pockets

"You really think I'm going to write it on your hand?" She asked staring at his palm

"I- yes," he replied. She shook her head as she pulled out an old receipt and began to scribble down onto it.

"What's your name anyways?" She asked the question that's been rigging her mind for days

"It's me. Benny from the bar," he furrowed his eyebrows. Of course she thought. She knew she knew him.

"Ah, right," she finished and folded the piece of paper and handed it to him. Before he left she spoke again "Hey Benny?" He turned to her with curious eyes "I think we're going to be good friends," she whispered

"I hope so..."

One Game | Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now