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I Its been merely one week since the two had seen each other. Benny lost his first match in Paris but was stuck there for the next few days, he lost in over 30 moves. Although he wouldn't admit it, it was because he was so distracted by everything around him currently. Jennifer however, had pulled herself together and in under a couple of hours she could finish the last of her plan.

She took in a deep breath, knocking on the door and waiting. Silence, she bit down on her lip. She knew he was in there, he was ignoring her. Although this should've made her anger, coming all this way just to be ignored... but it didnt. She completely understood why he was doing this and could hardly blame him. "Benny?" She asked, trying to mask the shake in her voice.

Benny froze, he was on his way to the door after hearing it knock. His hand rested on the door handle but he couldnt bring himself to turn it, to see her. To talk to her. What was she doing here? What has she come to do? "Benny, I get you dont want to talk to me... but," She cleared her throat "But I need to apologise... for everything," Her words funnelled into Benny's mind quickly.

"Can you hear me?" She asked, unsure if he was on the other side or not. She waited and heard a small shuffle of footsteps on the other side. "Oh, Benny," She sighed knowing he was there "Look, I... I'm not asking you to forgive me... I'm asking you to listen to me, that's all," Dead silence. She rested her head onto the door, as Benny did the same. Listening intently on every word she had to say.

He felt all the anger and hatred towards her drain out of his as he heard her shaky voice. "That morning... I was, so hung up on the tranquilisers that the minute they were out of my body I panicked... and I took that out on you and... I'm sorry," She breathed, trying to keep her eyes from filling and her voice from breaking "I could say I'm sorry for the next 10 years and I would never, never, expected you to forgive me,"

"Jennifer?" Benny asked slowly.

"Benny," She said exasperated, shock to hear his voice again. Terrified on what he was going to say.

"How much have you drank?" He turned his head to the side listening closely.

"Nothing," She replied quickly, realising just how unbelievable that statement was. "I really haven't, I'm not on anything I've been drinking this damn bottle of water all day," She went quiet. "Look, I dont think I'm going to see you again but... I do like you, I like you a lot. A lot more than I let on. Id also like to say thank you-" She began to say before being swooped into a room.

She felt a thumb pull down on the side of her cheeks, causing her eye to stretch. He looked at her sharply as she widened her eyes at him. The two hadn't seen each other since the argument, Jennifer was scared almost as his stern cold face stared at her for a painfully long minute. Benny was thinking carefully about what to do, her eyes were adjusting to the light and her body had such a stillness to it he could believe that she really wasn't on anything.

Maybe he could believe her, forgive her, but that would be putting him at risk. He let himself think to far into the future and before he knew it she would be leaving his in the doorway, by himself. "Benny, I know you dont want to forgive me but-" She began before she was cut off by a hand to her chin and pair of lips to her.

They kissed for a second before he pulled away, waiting for her reaction. She took in a deep breath. "Do you... fo-" She was about to say.

"Jennifer?" He furrowed his eyebrows at her in disappointment, panic struck through her "I just kissed you, of course I forgive you,"

"Oh," She sighed "Okay," She smiled.

"Would you like a coke, you look like a ghost?" He asked, a sense of normality to his voice, surprising Jennifer.

"I- uh, sure, anything other than water," She replied as Benny headed to the little kitchen in his hotel room. Jennifer stood still against the wall. That was easier than she anticipated... by far. "Are you sure your like... okay?" She asked slowly.

"Jennifer, would you rather me hate you?"

"No! No, not all," She shook her head "I just assumed it would take more convincing than that,"

"You had more?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows as he gave her the cold coke "Honestly, I already forgave you on the first sentence,"

"I had a whole plan that..." She was in utter disbelief. How could her forgive her so easily? "I was going to go out for dinner and- and fix things there and-"

"Well, I could do with a dinner," He added looking at her smiling.

"I already had a place booked, knew you'd say yes," She copied from before making him smile wider.


"No, I just thought it would be cool to say," She sighed.

"Where we going, Martinez?"

"Leave that up to me," She smiled "Please, let me make it up you,"

"You have me all night," He finished walking towards his living room. Maybe they were back to friends again, Jennifer liked the idea of that. But she also liked the idea of kissing him, dating him. Maybe he did have a charm, maybe he was using it on her. But that didnt matter... because

Maybe was a losers word.

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