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"Benny?" She whispered leaning against the door she had just shut. "Are you home?" She asked raising her voice slightly. She saw a dim light shine through the gap between the door and the wall on the bedroom. "Oh," she smiled walking towards the door and opening it mostly to see if he was in there. "Benny?" She furrowed her brows at him while he sat staring at the chess board.

She walked closer turning her head to the side at the board "Pawn to B7," she told him he looked up at her for a second then back down at the board "Now can we put the chess board away for a bit?" She asked, he looked up at her again with a cautious expression. She was always telling him to practise and now she was telling him to stop.

Something was off.

He put it away sliding it under the bed everything that Hilton said running through his mind. "You all right?" Benny asked her as she stood in front of him while he sat into the now clean bed. She only sighed, bringing her legs either side of him and wrapping her arms around his neck. This was the first time in a long time that she had been like this, and Benny wanted to know where this was going.

She bought her forehead to his, pulling him towards her. "Are you feeling all right, Jen?" Benny asked with a smile on his face.

"Shut up and kiss me," she whispered. And he obliged this was the first time they had kissed for months. After the... situation, they completely stopped anything between them. Benny thought it would be for a short amount of time while she healed from it but no it went on for a long time. Maybe this was the break. Maybe they were finally back to normal. Maybe he could love her again like he used to?

The two kissed until she was forced to pull away so they could breath, yet their foreheads stayed connected. Benny placed his hands around her waist pulling her even closer than she already was. "Don't stop," Jennifer breathed pulling him back in again.

This repeated once more, with the two taking breathing breaks only to kiss again. And like any man would do in this situation, Benny began go trail his fingers over her stomach finding the band of her jeans. He slid one finger down slowly not breaking the kiss before Jennifer took his hand placing it back round her waist.

He wasn't mad by this move because at this point in time she was sat on his lap, making out with him. How could anyone possibly be mad? He thought about when he first met her, how he felt towards her. He used to love being seen with her, he loved the fact that every guy in the club would always be looking at her but she was looking at him.

He had the girl every other man wanted.

Flashback ; earlier

"Hello," Jennifer smiled at the crushed up pills that lined the bar counter before she snorted the lot. She rose back up, a smile plaster her face. This was going to be the best trip of her life.

It had been a long time since she did drugs like this and she was ready to change that. She picked up the shot from beside her and drank it quickly placing the shot glass on to the counter receiving an uproar of cheers from beside her.

"Hey, what do you say we head out back?" A man said behind her into her ear. She looked up at him blankly.

"Mhm," she replied as a smile on the man's face grew. He took her hand leading her outside of the bar, her feet were wobbly but her face had a weak smile. He pushed her against the wall glancing down at her lips before she pushed him away. "Your not Benny," she slurred.

"What the fuck, woman?" He scoffed stepping back towards her.

"Fuck you!" She said back her words still shaky.

"No, fuck you!"

"Fuck off!"


"Get out of here," she told him watching his walk back into the bar with a disgusted face. "I want Benny," she mumbled.

Five Places Hotel ; 09:34am

Jennifer opened her eyes slowly, a pounding hangover echoing in her right ear as she groaned. She went to move her hand before seeing it intertwined with another in front of her. There was an arm that slithered under her neck while another went around her waist. She turned over quickly seeing Benny. She gasped pushing herself away from him quickly taking in deep harsh breaths.

Luckily he was still asleep by the time she had the bedroom closed behind her. "What the fuck happened last night?" She whispered to herself

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