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"20 minutes till show, Jennifer!" Her manger shouted

"Oh fuck off," She mumbled as she battled a brush through her hair. Throwing some blush on her face after. Her dresser full of empty bottles of pills and alcohol. It was a mess, she was mess and she wasn't planning on doing anything about it. She leant back in her chair, stretching her back on pulling tension on her dress. She groaned and stood up, brushing her body down quickly.

She was worse today, worse than normal. She could barley function without pills in her system. Barley think or breath.

"Hey Jennifer," Her manager knocked on the door

"What!" She shot harshly, to the door.

"There's a man here to see you,"

"Tell him to fuck off!" She spoke again

"Says his names Jenny or something," She thought to herself. Benny.

"Oh uh- tell him to wait outside," She spoke as she glanced over her desk

"All right. Show in 15," He reminded her with an annoyed tone. She quickly grabbed as many of the bottles as possible and tried to shove them into her wardrobe to hide them. She shoved as many as she could until she dropped some on her way.

"Hey Jennifer?" She heard Benny as she scrambled grabbing them all. She shoved more in shutting the wardrobe behind it, keeping it from falling out.

"Yeah, yeah," She breathed as she stuffed some things against the door "Come in," She told him as she stumbled back to her dresser. Benny opened the door slowly, sort or nervous.

"You all right, Jen?" He asked as he walked in

"Yeah I'm great," She lied. She was good at lying, she had to do it a lot to police and her parents back in Brooklyn growing up.

"So this is where you are after every show?"

"Yep, quite a place isn't it..." She spoke sarcastically. "What you doing in here anyways?"

"I came to give you this," Benny pulled a long white glove from his pocket. "You left it yesterday, thought you might need it for today," She took it from his hand slipping it onto her arm

"Thank you. I- I didnt know you were here tonight," She explained as she pulled out the other white glove from her drawer

"You told me you were singing here tonight. Though I'd come," He explained.

"Thank you, Its more enjoyable when your here,"

"Well I'll be at table 10. I'll get you a coke,"

"Beer," She corrected


"Beer," She spoke quicker. He was unsure but gave up and ordered her a beer at the bar and himself one too. He turned to the empty stage waiting for her to come on. They had a nice little friendship, they didnt speak all the time, or hang out a great deal but they still kept in touch. He went towards table 10 and set the drinks down and began to play chess in his head.

"This is a man's world," Her voice was soft yet varied with vocals bringing a smile to his face "This is a man's world," She repeated louder. Benny watched her a glisten in her eyes "But it wouldn't be nothing. Nothing," Her voice grew louder, building up in vocals before dropping down to a whisper but not her normal 'cute' whisper a whisper masking sheer hatred and despise "Without a woman, or a girl," She sang.

One Game | Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now