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"When are you coming then?" He asked with an obvious smile on his voice. Jennifer blew spoke from her mouth quickly before she answered

"6 months," she replied quickly

"6 months, I'll pick you up from the airport then,"

"Yeah. But anyways, how have you been?"

"Good, good. People are still getting over my accent," he answered "How 'bout you?"

"Yeah, it's all right. New York is such a... big place. There's so many people like everywhere," She thought for a second before speaking "I've made a friend actually,"

"Really? Who?"

"Uh Benny..." she trailed "Benny Watts,"

"That name rings a bell..." he trailed slowly

"Yep, you uh- 1957?"

"Oh yeah, Benny Watts. My god, your friends with him?" Stanly scoffed

"What does that mean?" She laughed

"Have you seen him? That man made being cocky a hobby,"

"Yeah, okay. Like you haven't?" She spoke sarcastically

"I am so humble," he spoke sarcastically

"Yeah yeah," she rolled her eyes holding the phone close to her ear. "I have to go all right? I'll call you soon,"

"See you soon Jenny," Stanley finished hanging up the call. "My gosh," he whispered to himself filling the silence "Benny Watts," he said again. He wasn't a fan of his sister and Benny Watts. Benny was a man who loves two things: Chess and himself. He didn't want Jennifer to gain any feelings for a man that could never love her back.

Jennifer was pretty, she could have any man imaginable. Just not Benny Watts. Not Benny Watts he repeated.

Jennifer was curious at first on why her brother was so shocked. I mean it's not anything to him really? But she didn't mind. All she was bothered about was her flight in 6 months. She was to call up the airlines book a flight but she'll do it later right now she was ironing her dress for tonight.

Benny was at a tournament. His last one until Paris, he needed to win. He had to. But Beth Harmon made it her mission to make sure he didn't. Their not as close as they used to be, barley even give each other a second glance or a smile just a shrug. They didn't see each other as friends anymore just competition.

Currently Beth was down to: her king, a knight, a bishop and a pawn. Not the best. Benny had: king, two rooks, queen and a bishop. Not amazing but better. He had a chance winning was within reach. If he played right, and predicted her moves. He could do it. Could.

Beth's eyes darted around the board desperate for a safe move until her only option was to risk her bishops stand, currently her best piece on the board. Benny took it gratefully feeling a sense of hope. Beth went quiet before dropping her king to the bottom on the board and sticking her hand out. Benny took it, his queen had checked her king.

The audience congratulated Benny as he stood up from the seat but the audience cheered as Jennifer arrived onto the stage. Her long hair bouncing as she walked to the centre. The lights dimming as she stood.

She wore a fluffy electric blue dress with layers of frills building up as it went down hiding her matching heels. Her headband and gloves the same blue. She had Dior jewellery glittering her body bouncing off the light as it came back on.

"You keep sayin' you've got somethin' for me," she sang again not bothering for the men singing for her. "Somethin' you call love but confess," the music began to build as her voice grew more confident as the chorus edged closer.

Her dress was pulled so tightly she was afraid to move. Afraid if she did her dress would pop right off leaving her with her bare body out. She could barley breath at the ribbon around her waist, her manager persisted with it saying it was only for 15 minutes and that she should stop being so emotional and suck it up. Bastard she called him behind his back.

"These boots are made for walkin' And that's just what they'll do. One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over ya," her favourite thing about this song was she could allow her Brooklyn accent to shine through. She loved her accent, it reminded her of home or childhood. She hated having to mask it for her audience.

Benny had won. He had gone and won. The first thing that crossed his mind was Jennifer. He wanted her to be there and see him at his best, he knew she wouldn't of really cared as chess wasn't a big thing to her but she would've cared about his win. He wanted her reaction to show off to her about his win. But she was at work and the last time he spoke to her at work her manager scared him.

"Hi can I have uh- Jennifer please?" Benny asked "Jennifer Martinez?"

"Why?" A man spoke coldly and sounded annoyed

"I want to speak to her. Tell her it's Benny,"

"She's working," the man said dryly

"Could you tell her to call me after?" Benny tried

"Look kid, I'm not tryna burst you bubble or nothin' but she don't want a man all right? She don't want none. Shes selfish yano? Now you leave the chick alone before she leaves you with nothing," her manager explained before hanging up the phone, his words playing on Benny's mind.

Was she just using Benny? She can't be selfish, surely. She's far too kind... to him. Only her friends she's not kind to the men who talk to her. But that was different he told himself. Completely different. He didn't talk or call her for a week, scared that her manager was just repeating her words.

Maybe she had talked or him about it. Eventually, he put this ideas to rest when Jennifer called and asked if he wanted to come to the club one of the nights and they could drink for a bit after. They talked and everything seamed normal, so he moved on.

He was slightly scared of her manager still. He was a large man, a lot bigger than Benny. Not as good looking of course but still. Benny decided he would tell her the day after when they went out for breakfast. Jennifer had some interview in the morning and was near his house so they planned to get together in a near by cafe.

It was weird when Benny was with Jennifer. Jennifer was so modest and assertive and Benny was more of a shirt and jeans type of guy. They looked like such an odd pair when together but he didn't mind. He liked spending time with Jennifer especially when it was one on one. He wasn't sure why he just did, maybe because she spoke more.

Eventually, Jennifer's shift was at an end meaning she could finally go home. She left the club slightly tipsy from the sheer amount of alcohol and pills she's had just consumed. Her vision spun slightly and her head throbbed hard. "Mmmm," she groaned as she walked through the dark streets craving her bed.

"Hey Jennifer?" Stanly asked from infront of her

"Stan?" She mumbled, her words slurred as she tried to straighten herself up. She can't be seen like this, not by Stanly. But why was he here? "Why are you...?" She trailed as he walked closer to her.

"Come on," he spoke as he wrapped his arm around her body pulling her up and giving her security as he took her back to her home.

"Your in England..."

"I am," he answered

"So why are you?"

"I'm not," he replied. Jennifer looked up at him quickly concerned and curious.

"How are you?"

"Stop asking questions, Jen," he added as he opened her front door. He took her in placing her onto the couch and looking at her with a solum expression "Sleep well, I'll see you in 6 months," was the last thing she hear him say before she dosed off the sleep.

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