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The sound of cars honking and beeping bought Jennifer's eyes to a slow open. Her ears adjusted to the noise as she did, Benny lived on a busy road, Jennifer lived on a private road, residents only. Which meant it was lot quieter than all this. She rose from the bed, that deflated throughout the night leaving her against the cold hard floor. Its been 24 hours since her last drops of alcohol and her body was not happy...

She felt her head ache slightly and the edges of her vision blurred slightly, she stumbled to the kitchen. Running the tap and filling up a glass from one of his cupboards. She took a big gulp of it, the cold water coating her throat making her feel a sense of relief. Before her body began to... reject the water. She ran towards the bathroom dropping the cup into the sink and leaning over to toilet. She coughed and spat, one hand on the seat the other holding her hair back. "Fuck," She groaned as her back leant against the wall.

She took a deep breath her head resting back as released her hair. Her first drink of the morning was normally a beer, her stomach clearly didnt like the change. She flushed the toilet and wrapped her hands around her stomach. After a few minutes she decided she was okay, and she stood back up her hands holding the wall for support as she did. She opened the door and wobbled towards Benny's room. She pushed the door slightly and peered in. He was still asleep, his face a familiar soft and settled look on it.

His hair was crazed and messed from the bed. His white quilt sat just underneath his waist, revealing his pale body. His collar bones caught her eyes first. She took a sharp breath realising just what she was doing before she looked away. She shut the door and headed out not wanting to bother him. She looked through her cloths before fulling out an all denim v-lines jumpsuit.

She brushed through her hair, that had now gone back to its original straightness. She gave her face a quick clean before pulling on some socks and a white head band keeping the hair from her face. She glanced up at the clock 8:13am. She thought about checking on Benny but didnt and decided to look over his apartment. She began to clean it up. Give it an organise as she did.

She whipped down counter, carried cloths to the washing piled up books it a category of: Chess attacks, defences, players, and other. She worked her way around his apartment in a clockwise way, doing bit by bit as she did. She was just finishing off when she heard door open, she turned her head quickly to see Benny admiring his clean apartment. It hadn't been this clean since he moved it. "Breakfast is on the side, if you want it," She explained as she finished off whipping down the banister.

"Why'd you do all this?" He asked as he sat down

"It was messy, I hate messy," She explained, imagine if she saw it before he gave it his own tidy. She would've exploded.

"You didnt have to you know?" He turned his head to the side.

"Well its done now," She finished as she turned towards him. He had his hair back in its original look, a tired gleam in his eyes. He wore a long black robe and his signature pair of black jeans.


Benny very slowly placed his king onto the base of the board, he bit down on the side of his mouth. "So, why wont you do tournaments?" He asked as he leant back watching the board for a a second before glancing up at Jennifer.

"Dont have the time,"

"You'd find the time,"

"No, I wouldn't," She explained "I have to work every night, deal with a hangover from the night each morning-"

"Then quit," He spoke quickly. She sent him a surprised look.

"I couldnt do-"

"I can, I pay rent every month to live in New York from playing chess, and winning tournaments. You could do it, hell knows, you could do it better with the way you play," Jennifer went very quiet, she couldnt quit. She wouldn't have any money the tournaments couldnt pay her rent, its too unpredictable. "How much do you like your job?"

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