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Benny switched the radio off slowly. "Shit..." he mumbled as he headed to his telephone. He typed into the phone Jennifer's number quickly. "Jen?" He asked the phone quickly. "Jennifer pick up," he didn't know where she was or what was happening. But she clearly had a lot of bottled up feelings to just lash out on a interviewer. "Jennifer," he mumbled after the phone stopped ringing. He called again and waited intensely for someone to pick up. No answer. He tried again for the third time. Come on Jennifer.

"Stop ringing the phone," he heard Cleo on the other end of the line.

"I- Cleo?" He asked

"Benny why the hell are you calling Jennifer this many times?"

"Where is she?"

"She's with me, Benny," Cleo reassured

"What is she doing?" He asked quickly. Cleo hung up.

"Who was it?" Jennifer asked

"Benny," Cleo replied

"Oh," she breathed

"What do you think about Benny?" Cleo asked as she sat down infront of Jennifer.

"He's... good," she answered slowly unsure of what she was suppose to say "How did you meet them?"

"A sad story, involving me, a bad breakup, and a walk through le Jardin du Luxembourg, where Hilton and Walter stopped me from killing myself. Like I say, a sad story. But as I walked past, Walter and Hilton were having a violent argument over a chessboard, and I became mesmerized by their passion. Well, that's how they tell it, anyway. No, the truth is, um...Benny was there, and I became mesmerized by Benny," she explained. Jennifer was shocked at this information. She didn't know Benny was a taken man. "Over and done," she added. Giving Jennifer a sense of relief "I see how you and Benny look at each other,"

"What do you mean?" Jennifer asked partially confused

"You two look at each other like your a chess board and this whole thing you call friendship is one game. A big game of chess that neither of you will loose at, wether you know your playing or not,"

"What does that even mean?" Jennifer spoke slowly

"Means you should sacrifice your King now. Get it over and done with while you can, your far to beautiful to get involved with him,"

"I don't understand,"

"Benny has a... charm. Something he used to his advantage a lot. The same way he uses his looks. But you must remember he only loves two things: himself and chess. Don't trick yourself into thinking it's three,"

"I-" Jennifer went silent "Keep going,"

"He knows what he's doing. He knows if he looks into your eyes long enough he'll get to your head. He doesn't do things by accident, everything is on purpose. Just like a game of chess," Cleo finished. Her words lingered in Jennifer's head. "I'll go and get you some food," Cleo stood up to go the Jennifer's kitchen, leaving her in a mind array about Benny. Benny didn't have a charm... that was ridiculous. What would it mean to her anyways? It's not like he's using it on her. I mean yeah he looks at her for a... concerning amount of time at once but that didn't mean anything.

Cleo pulled the fridge open to hear and see many many many bottles of beer and wine. She turned her head to the side at the sight of it. "I can't leave her here," she whispered to herself "She'll drown herself in alcohol," she made two sandwiches and gave one to Jennifer and kept one to herself. She thought for a bit trying to figure out what to do. Cleo had to leave, she had a flight to Berlin booked tonight to meet up with some friends and she couldn't leave Jennifer here by herself.

One Game | Benny WattsWhere stories live. Discover now