Order Up

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Pip ran her hands through his hair as their lips worked together and as she slowly wrapped her legs around his waist.

His hands roamed her chest, one lingering there, cupping her breast, as the other trailed lower.

She gasped as his fingers slipped between their two bodies, down to her core.

Another soft gasp from Pip parted their lips, and Ravi looked down at her; at her dilated pupils, at her lips still parted in the slightest.

"There?" He asked gently, smiling down at her and kissing her cheek.

"Mhm, there," she told Ravi breathlessly, blushing and looking away from him, because his eyes were drawing her in, and it was too much for her heart to handle, all at once.

"Don't be embarrassed; it's not like this is your first time, Trouble."

"Oh, shut up," she laughed, wincing as he pulled his fingers away. "Hey, why'd you -"

"You know why," he told her, pulling off his suit-jacket and his tie, unbuckling his belt.

He pulled his shirt over his head and Pip pressed her thighs together as she watched him, her heart pounding.

"Ravi, please," she whispered, watching him closely as he slipped his suit-pants off and crawled back over to her, a grin on his lips.

"May I?" he asked, finger latching over the strap of her underwear.

She nodded tenderly, holding her breath as he slipped her underwear off, and slipped himself inside.

Pip gasped, watching Ravi watch her, as he connected their lips again and slowly began to thrust.

She threw her head back, and she let herself slip away with the night.

Pip was married.

The sun reminded her of that as it coated her skin, pulling her to the surface, out of her sleep.

She hummed as she sat up, pulling her robe back over her shoulders.

The bed was empty, Ravi nowhere in sight, but the smell of french toast lulled her back to the state of comfort she needed, because Ravi was here, making breakfast for his wife.

She shivered as she stood up, wrapping the robe around herself and dragging her feet to the kitchen.

"Morning, Sarge. How'd you sleep?"

He craned his neck to kiss her as she stood herself next to him and she melted into it before he pulled away to finish making the toast.

Pip hoisted herself onto the counter, swinging her feet and running her fingers through her hair.

She heaved a lovesick sigh as her phone began to ring, and she squinted down at it. She didn't recognize the number on the screen. Her heart skipped a beat.

Pip showed Ravi her phone, her lip quivering as she did, but he put a hand on her shoulder, and suddenly, everything was okay again.

She was safe. Maybe it was an old friend, a new number. She should just answer.

So she did.


"Pip," the voice on the other line whispered, relief in the woman's voice - in Becca's voice. "Hi."

"Becca?" Pip asked, dropping from the counter and glancing at Ravi and starting to pace. "Wh - um... hey?"

"Hey," she said softly. "I, um..."

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