I Knew It Was Forever

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She wasn't sure if she could do this.

She knew she could, but her heart was thrumming against her chest, and her hands were shaking; thick with sweat because Stanley's blood couldn't find her. Not today. She was glad about that.

Pip peered through the windows of the venue, out at the beach, at the chairs lined neatly on either side of the aisle, and at the aisle itself; slats of wood leading the way to the arch, and, oh, the arch... an arch of pale pink flowers and of ivy, of white wisteria and god, it was perfect.

Cara was stood behind Pip, now, a hand on her shoulder and a shared, glowing feeling in their hearts.

"Are you alright?" She asked, voice soft and careful.

"I'm nervous," Pip told her best friend quietly, turning to look at her. "You look beautiful, Cara."

Cara smiled at her, brushing her thick curls over her shoulder and gently pulling Pip's hands into hers. "I can't believe it. You're getting married today — my best friend is getting married."

"Please don't cry, yet."

"I'm trying not to!" She giggled, fanning herself with her hands, sniffling. "I just can't believe it."

"I can't either." Pip whispered, and that was the truth. She had no idea how she'd gotten from a school project to marrying the alleged killer's brother, but this is where she was in life, and this was right.

This was a dream come true; a dream she never knew that she had, but a dream nevertheless.

Cara watched Pip as she thought, and she squeezed her hand once, bringing her back and grounding her.

Pip was quick to pull Cara into a tight hug, then, holding her close and breathing her in because Cara was her home, too.

If it weren't for Cara and Ravi, Pip might not still be here to see this day happen. Pip could've lost herself a long time ago, if it weren't for them.

When she pulled away, Cara slipped her hands from Pip's, shifting them to her shoulders and staring into her hazel-green eyes. "I'm so proud of you. Now, we've gotta get moving, because the ceremony is starting."

"Oh! Okay, let's go, then," Pip said, ushering Cara to the front door of the venue, pausing and watching through the window together as Ravi walked the aisle.

Pip's heart fluttered against her chest at the sight of him in that finely tailored suit of his, taking his place in front of the arch and next to their officiant.

His best man - his cousin, Rahul - trailing behind him, and the groomsmen following Rahul.

Connor, Jamie, and a few of Ravi's friends were Ravi's groomsmen, and Pip whispered a thank you the sky for letting Connor and Jamie still be here, too. For letting them still care enough to do this.

Cara slipped through the front door without a word, and Pip watched as she walked down the aisle, too, in all of her Cara grace.

Pip's bridesmaids followed Cara, in a neat an orderly line from shortest to tallest; Nat first, then Naomi, then Luna, and two of Pip's closest cousins, Lina and Scarlett.

And Joshua, smiling as he walked down the aisle with the rings, because how could they not have her baby brother as their ring bearer?

"Oh," she said softly through a gasp, biting back tears of joy that begged to fall.

And then, before she knew it, her younger cousin Cassandra was smiling and walking down the aisle, too, as Pip's flower girl.

Cassandra meant a lot to her, even though she was four years younger than Pip. They'd always had a relationship that Pip could never find with her other cousins; even with Lina and Scarlett who were Pip's age. Cassandra had always been Pip's favorite cousin, since the day when she was four years old and holding her baby cousin in her arms.

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