See You At The Aisle

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Pip's head pounded. She had no idea why; she had barely started on her second drink.

Maybe it was the music that blared and echoed through the club. That was hurting her ears. Almost overstimulating her.

Or, was it because she was homesick for Ravi? No, she'd been without him before. A long time. She didn't like to think about those days anymore.

She shrugged it off; maybe it was just a headache. She couldn't be concerned about that, right now.

Because right now, she was at a club, illegally drinking with her best friends, for her bachelorette party.

And also, she was getting married tomorrow.

Pip smiled to herself, smiling wider as Nat and Naomi brought a plate of shots to their table, shouting for Pip to go first.

She did, after some convincing, downing one and squinting when she was done. "Jeez,"

Cara laughed. "Can't believe the first time you're doing shots is at your bachelorette party. My little Pip is growing up!"

"I'm older than you."

"Shh, let me have this moment," she whispered. "Also, do another shot."

Pip giggled, lifting the glass to her lips and drinking it down quickly, hissing an outward breath.

"I wonder what Ravi's doing. Do you guys think he's cheating on me right now?"

"Pip, hon, no. You're drunk already?"

"Probably. Ravi says I'm usually drunk after, like, a drink and a half."

"How?" Stella squinted at her with a soft giggle, sipping from her own glass.

Pip shrugged, about to speak, before Cara started up instead. "It's a mystery. She's always been this way, though. Like, one time, when we were thirteen, we decided it would be funny to steal some of, um," she coughed. "Some of my dad's beer. We only had a couple cans, but she ended up drunk, somehow."

Pip snickered. "Yeah; good times."

The girls laughed together, a silence blanketing them for a moment as they sipped from their drinks, before Pip sat up straight.

"Karaoke," she said, an ingenious grin on her face. "Let's do karaoke! Please, I want to sing Taylor Swift really loudly."

"Well, okay," Cara shrugged. "I've heard from Ravi that someone named Pippa Fitz-Amobi happens to be a genuinely very good singer, so, if you insist."

Pip blushed with a proud smile as she took Cara's hand, who took Zooey's, and so on and so forth, until a chain of nineteen-to-twenty-something-year-olds were winding through the club, twisting between crowds and groups to fit.

When finally, they reached the karaoke stage, Pip smiled again and bent down, typing in a song and telling the girls to film; that this was dedicated to Ravi.

"Hi," she said into the microphone, gaining the attention of half the club. "I'm Pip, I'm very drunk, and I'm getting married tomorrow."

She giggled as her friends - and half the club - cheered for her, loud and excited, a cheer of only love, hissing through Pip's ears.

"Um, so, this song is for my fiancé who isn't even here right now, because," she coughed. "um, hashtag bachelorette party?"

It was half a question, half a statement, but she laughed at herself either way.

"Anyways, this is going to be me singing Enchanted by Taylor Swift because...I love my boyfriend. Er - fiancé. And then I'm gonna sing Paper Rings, 'cause I love my fiancé! And -" she hiccuped. "If my friends don't film this, I'll be a very unhappy bride."

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