Ready As I'll Ever Be, Singh-Amobi

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"Where should we honeymoon?" She asked him, squeezing his hand.

"France," he told her, snaking his hand from hers to her thigh, resting it there over her dress.

"Ravi!" She whispered through gritted teeth, pressing her hand against his. "We have thirty minutes left here, and you need to stay decent for those thirty minutes. After that," her voice shifted, looking up at him, her voice hiding sass. "You can have me all night."

He laughed, wrapping his arm around her. "Okay, Sarge."

She looked up at him and she kissed him softly,
turning and waving goodbye to the couples with children who were leaving early.

And the night went like that: saying goodbye to distant relatives and distant friends until only close friends and closer family were left.

Except for -

"Hey, Pip, who's she?"

Pip looked up, brows furrowed. "Who?"

"Her," he pointed across the room, at a girl talking to Cara.

Pip's face softened as soon as she saw her, and she smiled wide, scuffling across the room and to those two girls, smiling at each other.

"Chloe!" Pip said with a smile. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't say hi until now! You look beautiful,"

"Oh, don't worry about it," Chloe grinned at Pip, brushing her hair behind her ear. "And, thank you, so do you!"

Chloe, the girl who had let Pip go home with such a dress, and had given her a discount just because. Because she was kind, and they were too. Girls like Chloe made the world go around - Pip had told her mother over the phone.

You make my world go around - Ravi had whispered to her as she hung up the phone.

"Well," Chloe said, finally. "I - um, I should be getting home. My dog is probably freaking out." She laughed softly, giving Pip a hug and congratulating her as she left.

And at that, Pip and Ravi decided it might be their time to head home, too. They had a long night ahead of them, didn't they?

Pip took Ravi's hand, her grip tight as she looked up at him, grinning. "Are you excited?"

"What, to spend our first night together as a married couple?"


"Ready as I'll ever be, Singh-Amobi."

She blushed, brushing her hair behind her ear as they left the venue, their friends and family following closely behind as they chattered.

And there, in the parking lot, was Ravi's car; a white bow on the trunk, flowers on it, and on the rear windshield, and with a window marker - or whatever it's called, Cara told Pip - Cara had written Just Married! with a heart under it, R + P written inside of it.

Pip grinned, glancing over her shoulder at Cara and mouthing a thank you before Ravi led her to the car, opening the door for her and kissing her gently.

Their friends cheered and hollered, and Pip rest her face in her palms with a laugh as Ravi started the car.

But she sat back up, rolled down her window, and stood up, sitting on the sill.

She waved out the window as Ravi drive slowly out of the parking lot, one hand on Pip's knee, hoping she would keep her balance.

When they left the parking lot and Pip shouted her final goodbye, she slinked back into the car and buckled her seatbelt, pushing her veil to the side along with her hair.

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