What's So Funny, Trouble?

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Pip laughed, Ravi's arm tight around her shoulders.

They were sat together at a round table in the venue, his arm warm around her as the room hummed with chatter.

It was dinner, but Pip wasn't eating. She wasn't hungry right now, because something was on her mind, circling it, keeping her mind occupied.

It was abrupt, the way she stood from her chair and smiled down at Ravi, navigating the room and the tables around her.

She stepped onto the small stage set up in the venue, cautiously walking towards the microphone, careful not to trip over herself, over her heels.

Pip tapped against her glass, filled with champagne - it was a special day! -  and smiled at her family, at her friends, before passing the glass back to Cara.

"Um, hello." She smiled, "So, my name is Pip, which hopefully all of you know; or else that would be kind of weird; going to a wedding when you don't know the brides name." Pip paused, laughing against her fingers, held to her lips.

"Anyway, I am almost one-hundred-precent sure that all of you know my name; because my side is all of my friends and family, and Ravi's side is all of his friends and family. I've met every single one of you." She shrugged.

"So, yes, I think we're set. I firmly believe you all know my name, and I know all of you - except that man in the suit drinking my champagne - wait, that's my husband. Speaking of which," she smiled down at him again, brushing her hair behind her ears and scratching at her wrist.

"I...um, I want to make a speech. About the love of my life, my other half, Ravi Singh."

His eyes met hers, his glowing gold.

"Since the day I met Ravi Singh - properly, at least...wait, okay. Since the day I obnoxiously interviewed Ravi Singh," she laughed. "I've been glowing inside. Being around him makes my heart fizz. Being with Ravi Singh is to be filled with fireworks - and that's a good thing."

His eyes, still locked to hers, green and gold, prickled with tears.

"Ravi is my lifeboat. My constant. My golden thing. He holds me when I cry, he kisses me when I need kisses the most, and he lifts me up when I fall down. Him and I are connected - soulmates as Cara says - and that connection has been there, all this time. Maybe even before we met."

She smiled down at him.

"Before I met Ravi, there was a hole in my chest. Something missing. And then, there he was, and the hole was filled. Hey, Ravi?"

He looked up at her, eyes still holding hers as tears streamed down his flushed cheeks. "Hm?"

"I love you - parents, plug your kids ears - so fucking much, Ravi. I always will. You're my person. Come here." She told him, waving her hand at him, luring him in.

He hurried to her side, pulling her close by the hips and dipping her into a kiss. "Shit, Sarge," he whispered. "Do you know how much I love you?"

"A lot, I hope, or else this wedding is pretty useless." She whispered back with a laugh, pressing her forehead against his as his hand cradled the small of her back.

He laughed, too, adoring her happiness. She was okay, so he was okay, too.

"Okay, enough of the lovebirds," Cara said, standing up with a laugh. "I, as the bride's best friend, am obligated to tell a story that will embarrass her to a degree."

Pip heaved a sigh, because if she knew Cara, she knew what was coming.

"Brace yourself," she whispered to Ravi as she ushered him back to their chairs, resting her head on his shoulder as Cara too the mic.

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