I Thought Taylor Swift Was Your Man

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"What about the beach?" Cara asked, turning down her music.

"What about it?" Nat turned to look at Cara in the front seat, Cara glancing back for just a second.

"Wanna go?"

"Oh, yes. Absolutely." Pip said with a sigh, pulling Ravi closer as she unpaused the movie they were watching on her laptop.

"This movie is so bad that it's good," Ravi laughed, wiping his eyes and looking up at Pip. "Hey, you're really pretty."

"Hey, you're really handsome." She said, running her fingers through his hair.

"Hey, you guys need to get a room." Naomi chimed in, giving them a pout before they all laughed softly, Cara turning the music back up.

"If you insist," Ravi sat up, offering Pip his hand.

"It is getting late," Pip reminded, her voice coated with a thick, very poorly done accent; Ravi's in the same.

Pip took his hand, and together they slipped into - well, it really was Ravi and Pip's room, here.

Ravi watched as Pip pulled open the wi dow and tied her hair up, digging through her bag to find pajamas.

Ravi set up the laptop again as Pip pulled her shirt and shorts over her head, smiling over at Ravi with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Okay, Miss Bold."

She laughed, a snort in it as she slipped a satin tank-top over her head, and a matching pair of pants over her thighs.

It was a set, a gold-ish color, and god did Pip love it. She felt beautiful, and she felt calm, the fabric cool against her legs. "Well, doesn't somebody look spiffy?" Ravi asked, smiling as the moonlight drank her in.

"I bought this for the trip," she admitting, cheeks heated and bright. "I wanted it to be special."

"Being with you is special enough, but this? Oh my god, it's like Midas's Touch."

She smiled, crawling into bed after standing at the window for a second. "Your eyes are like that, too."

Her voice was quiet, almost husky as she pressed a kiss to his lips. He leaned into it eagerly, though she pulled away with a soft laugh. "We have a movie to watch."

"The movie can wait, can't it?"

"So can you."

"Ah, you've used my words against me again." He laughed softly, pressing a kiss to her cheek before unpausing her laptop, their fingers entwined.

The movie ended up waiting, because Pip and Ravi could not.

Pip breathed in the sweet morning air, eyes fluttering open.

"Morning, sweet." Ravi whispered next to her, leaning down to press a kiss to her temple. "Feeling alright?"

"Feeling heavenly," she replied, leaning up to kiss his chin. "Especially since I'm next to you."

"Oh, stop, you'll make me blush!"

"The simple truth, my man."

"I thought Taylor Swift was your man?"

"No, she's the man. You're my man. A difference, hellooo?"

"Oh, a thousand apologies, Sarge. Ahem, world, I am her man, not the man."


"I like being yours better, so that's okay." He said tenderly, kissing her cheek again.

A rapping on the door as their lips connected, Nate voice humming through the door. "Lovebirds, up and at 'em, today!"

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