My Greatest Pleasure, Mademoiselle

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"What was that about?" Pip asked, looking over her shoulder at Jacob as Ravi dragged her off.

"What was what about?" Ravi repeated the question back to her, his voice stiff and angry.

"Um, that."

He stayed silent, not answering any of her persistent questions as he lead her back to her dorm - or was it their dorm, for the next two weeks?

"Ravi, what's wrong?" She asked finally once inside, her hands cupping his face.

"I don't like that guy," He hissed. "He looks like Max."

"Does he? I don't really see it,"

"His eyes," Ravi insisted. "And his hair, and his jawline. They're all too similar. What's his last name?"

"He's not a Hastings, if that's what you're asking."

"Just tell me, Pip!"

"Okay! Um, Jacob...Leonards."

Ravi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, so we don't take my word anymore?"

"Pip!" He looked down at her with an upset frown. "Not true,"

The look on Pip's face was skeptical, and she crossed her arms.

"I swear. I just really don't like that guy."

"And why not?"

"Just don't,"

Pip's brow furrowed as she looked up at Ravi, thinking hard as to why?

And then: "Oh my god," she snickered. "You're jealous."

"As if."

"No, you are! You totally, completely, are jealous of Jacob!"

"Fine! Fine, okay! I'm jealous. Happy?"

"Yes, so very happy," she told him, standing up to stop his pacing. She slung her arms over his shoulders, tilting her head up to kiss him.

"Now," she said, pulling away. "Why?"

Ravi rolled his eyes with a laugh shaking his head. "I'm not telling you that."

"Oh, the secrets you keep," She groaned, falling back onto her bed, hand pressed against her forehead. "They're almost deadly."

"Says you!"

"Excuse me?" She sat up. "I keep no secrets, because I keep no Xanax in a secret drawer in my desk."

They laughed together, Ravi shuffling over to her and leaning down to meet her height, pressing a kiss to her soft lips.

One week.

Ravi had been with Pip for one week, so far.

They worked their schedules together, giving each other just enough time in the day to see each other until evening, when peace lay it's blanket over the dorm.


Ravi was at work - he drove every morning from Pip's college to his job, and back every evening - when he got the text.

My Sarge 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾


My Sarge 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

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