Absolutely Angelic

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She smiled at the thought of his lips against hers, soft and subtle and sweet.

Her distraction, her constant, her breath of fresh air.

The love of her life.

It had been a week and a half, and there were two days left in the school week before spring break, but the roads were waiting.

Calling Pip's name, but an echo in the wind.

Or maybe, that was Cara's voice, making a buzzing sound in Pip's ear.

"Come on! Everything we need is packed, we're fine."

"I'm just double checking." She said firmly, doing a once over of her dorm room before turning on her heels to face Cara. "Okay, ready."

Cara smiled, clapping her hands together and grabbing Pip's, running outside as Pip slammed the door behind them.

"We're going wedding dress-window shopping while we're on the road, by the way." Cara decided, shrugging.

Pip's heart glowed. A sparkly, bright feeling that started in her stomach and pulled itself to her lips, twisting them into a smile. "I make no complaints," she said. "Ugh, you're too good to me."

"I try!" Cara said, shrugging again as she dragged Pip to the rented RV.

"Need it be pink?" Pip sighed, hauling herself up the steps and finding herself a seat.

"Need you speak like Shakespeare?"

"How dareth thee fleer me?"

"How dareth thee use words I don't understand?"

"Fleer means mock, Cara."

"Um, thou art a total nerd." Cara said, shrugging for a third time as she sat at the couch, eyes locking onto something out the window.

Pip sighed with a soft laugh as she sat in the booth looping around the table, setting up her laptop. She waved hello to Naomi and to Nat - this road-trip was a girls trip. Well, a girls trip with Ravi.

Of course it was with Ravi, he had planned it. He and Cara.

Naomi stood, slipping into the drivers seat as Ravi hauled himself and their bags inside. "Thank you for leaving me with the bags, Sarge." He quipped, voice laced with sarcasm as he dropped them on the floor, sliding into the booth to press a kiss to Pip's cheek.

"Okay, so, just us five, right?" Naomi asked, starting the engine with a flip of her curled hair.

"Yes ma'am." Pip said, tying up her hair and plugging her earbuds into her laptop.

"Are you seriously doing schoolwork right now?" Ravi asked, peering at her laptop, seeing her school page open.

"I'm missing two days of school, I have to do my work online." She told him with a shrug, opening Spotify and pulling up her
study/school playlist. Filled mostly with Taylor Swift, of course.

She pressed shuffle, one earbud in as Naomi started driving. "Want one?" She asked her Ravi, holding up her other earbud.

He took it, putting it in and laughing softly at the song choice, shifting to open the blinds behind him.

"Golden," Pip said under her breath, smiling at the morning sunshine.

Ravi caught that one word, reaching for her hand and squeezing once. "Right."

She leaned in and kissed him once, turning back to start her work, but pausing.

"I have no work do to. They haven't uploaded any courses yet," she groaned, head lolling back.

"Probably because it's five-thirty in the morning, Pip." Nat said with a shrug, barely glancing up from her book.

Pip groaned again, resting her head on Ravi's shoulder before standing up and shuffling to the mini fridge, grabbing an iced coffee that she'd put there the night before.

She glanced to Ravi, then to the door off to the side, and she excused herself to take a quick nap.

Yeah, right.

Pip flipped her hair, tucking it behind her ears as she stared at Ravi with a smile, bedsheets pulled over her chest.

"Morning sex is always the best," Ravi whispered.

Pip blushed, looking away with an embarrassed grin. "Shut up..." she whispered, biting her lip.

"Might I say you have serious skills?"

"Ravi! Stop it!"

"I'm just speaking my truth," he said, raising his hands in surrender with a grin. "I love you, Sarge."

"I love you, too, so much." She said, sitting up and stretching, the sheets slipping off her chest.

She blushed, jumping to cover herself with her arms. "Oops."

"Nothing I haven't seen before," Ravi laughed with a shrug, throwing Pip his shirt. "A gift."

"Well, thank you my darling." She smiled, pulling it over her shoulders and standing up, searching the small room.

"Looking for these?" Ravi asked, grinning wide as he held up her underwear.

"Oh, you devil!" She hissed, throwing herself onto him and grabbing them, pulling them back on. "You're evil."

"Ah," he groaned, falling back, one hand over his heart and one on his forehead. "I'm wounded!"

"And what might save you?"

"Another kiss from the love of my life," he said softly, one eye open.

"Only a kiss," she told him seriously. "I have to get to work soon."

"Yes, ma'am." Ravi smiled, pulling her close for a quick kiss before she pulled away to find her pajama pants, slipping them on.

"Get decent, Ravi."

"I find myself very decent."

"I find you very naked."

They laughed together, Pip running a hang through her hair before slipping back into the main part of the RV and sitting back in her booth, cross-legged.

"An hour and thirty-two minutes," Cara said. "Why were you having sex for an hour and thirty-two minutes?!"

"How do you know that's what we were doing? I could've been sleeping."

"Um, you're wearing his shirt, you started blasting music, your hair is very unkempt,"

"He gave you hickeys," Nat added with a giggle, smiling.

"Okay, um...I need to do school. Stop talking about my sex life." Pip said, putting in her earbuds and turning on her playlist as she began an assignment.

"How were they so quiet?" Cara asked, stretching.

"Stop it! I can hear you!" Pip glared, pulling out her earbuds.

"Oh, so what?!"

"Stop talking about my sex life!"

"But it's funny!"

"Nooo, it's not." Ravi said as he slipped out of the room, wearing his hoodie and pajama pants.

"Okay, this is cruel." Cara said with a roll of her eyes.

Pip laughed softly, running a hand through her hair again as Ravi sat next to her.

She handed him an earbud and shifted to open the window, letting in the morning breeze with a soft sigh.

Ravi squeezed her elbow with a smile, kissing her forehead as the wind funneled through the window and through her hair, the sun illuminating Pip from behind.

Angelic, Ravi thought. God, my girl is absolutely angelic.

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