Serious Coffee

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"I'm engaged," she hummed to herself, walking arm-in-arm back to the car with Ravi. "Oh, my god, I have to call my parents... I have to tell Cara! Oh my god," she smiled wide, turning to Ravi as they stopped in front of the car. "We're getting married, Ravi."

He kissed her, smiling into it and nodding. "Yes, Sarge, we are." He told her, opening the passenger door and placing his jacket over her knees, seeing as she was shivering.

"Thank you, Ravi." She said to him as he buckled his seatbelt and started the car, one hand on her knee as he drove.

Pip's heart was screaming by the time they returned to her dorm.

"I'm screaming inside, Ravi," she told him. "I'm so excited."

"May I have the honor of making you scream out loud?" He asked, hands on her hips as he pressed her gently against the door of the dorm.

"Ohmygod," she whispered, "Y - Yes?"

He laughed at her sudden shyness, pressing his lips to hers, soft and sweet.

That's always how it was with them, soft, sweet, loving.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
His hands roamed her clothed body before he lifted her by her hips, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

This was something new; Pip thought, as Ravi carried her to her bedroom, peppering kisses along her neck.

"Woah, wow," she whispered, just as he began to suck gently on one tender part of her neck; closer to her collarbone. "Ravi, I love you." She told him as he placed her on the bed, lying over her.

"I love you too, my Sarge." He told her, flipping their positions; pulling her weight just below his waist. As he pulled her down for another kiss, his hands snaked around her back to find the zipper of her floral dress.

"Oh, wait," she whispered, pulling apart form the kiss and pressing one to his nose. She pulled out her phone, connecting it to her bluetooth speakers and opening Spotify.

Ravi watched intently as she opened a playlist titled my love 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾, and he giggled from behind her. "Another playlist for us? I can't say I'm surprised." Ravi quipped, smiling as the tune of  Space Song filled his ears.

Pip placed her phone on the bedside table, kicking one leg over Ravi's hips and re-stationing herself on top of him. "So, where were we again?"

Pip woke up to a soft breeze drifting through her curtains, sun glazing her face, and the one next to hers. She smiled, last night just a hazy memory, not quite all gathered yet.

She looked down at Ravi as she sat up, admiring his abs as always, before giving herself a once-over; finding that her undergarments were pulled back up, and her bra had been replaced by an oversized hoodie that Ravi kept at Pip's dorm.

"Wait," she said aloud, mind still fogged up as she stared down at her left hand, the ring glimmering a spectacular shade of green in the sun; golden sparkles hiding deep inside the gem. "Ravi," she said, looking over to him as he watched her. "Ravi, what's this?"

"Pipsy, we're engaged. You need serious coffee."

Her jaw was left hanging open as she watched him stand - clad only in shorts - and leave her bedroom to make her coffee.

Her eyebrows furrowed, bunching low near her eyes, looking around the room as she tried to figure out if her boyfriend was serious.

She gave up, flopping back onto her pillows as her head pounded, and she remember that maybe she had drank more than just a sip of Ravi's wine last night.

She felt suddenly sweaty, annoyingly so, and Ravi's hoodie was starting to stick to her chest.

Only, the sweat turned to blood faster than it usually did, and the world around her froze.

She began to shake, falling off her bed as she quickly gripped the hem of the hoodie and pulled it over her head; breath fast and panicked.

"R - Ravi?" She asked to herself, voice quiet and tender as she floundered to her feet and stumbled to her dresser, a gust of cold air from the window hitting her exposed chest.

Pip winced, opening her dresser and hurriedly searching for her talk nerdy to me tank-top, and falling backwards onto the floor when she couldn't find it. "Ow," she winced again, patting herself down in an attempt to wipe the blood off, her breath quickening again as her eyes widened.

"Ravi?" She asked, louder this time, eyes searching the room quickly, standing back up with unstable legs. "Ravi?" She practically shouted, this time.

And of course, this time, he came running. The door swung open, and Ravi hurried to her side, paying no mind to her bare chest - truthfully, he hadn't realized, her hair covering her back.

"Oh, baby, what's wro - " He paused, mid-sentence, realizing she was topless; scanning her before realizing what was wrong.

"Pip, don't worry. We're here and now, not there and then. You're okay, Sarge. Breathe. What shirt do you want?"

"T - Talk..."

He knew, of course, because it was his job to know. It was his job, with Pip, to be there, to know, and to help.

As Pip took deep breaths, sitting at her window, Ravi searched for her shirt.

When he found it, Pip's breathing was in tact, though still a bit lost; "Arms up," he told her, and so she did put her arms up, letting him pull the cropped-tank-top over her head.

"Thank you," she said, her head finally cleared. "I love you. Can I have my coffee now?"

"Yes. Come on," he said, lifting her bridal-style and carrying her to the shared living room.

"I can walk just fine, Ravi," she told him, laughing as he placed her at a seat, grabbing her coffee mug and bringing it to her.

"I highly doubt that, Sarge. Especially after last night."

She sipped her coffee, blushing as it all rushed back to her. "Oh! Oh my god - we are engaged!"

"That we are, Pip."

"And you took my -"

"I know. I was there, Sarge."

She blushed, hiding her face and pulling her knees to her chest. "We have to go to Fairview and tell everybody, oh my god," she decided, standing up as she continued drinking her too-hot coffee, hurrying to her bedroom.

She ran to her dresser, digging through to find her nicer things, until she felt a pair of hands on her waist pulling her back.

"Not so fast, Ms. Eager. Relax. Put on pants."

She looked down at her bare legs, the sets of fading scars from nails digging into thighs, and she sighed. "Good idea. Pants." She agreed, finding a pair of shorts and pulling them on, resting just below her belly-button.

"Good. Now let's sit down and finish our coffee," Ravi said with a smile, taking her hand and leading her back to the couch, sitting her down. Together, they drank their coffee, appreciating each others company and the sweet morning breeze.

When she finally finished her coffee and placed her mug on the table, that was when Ravi let her begin packing a bag.

"I'm engaaageed," she sang. "I'm getting maarriieed,"

As she sang and packed a bag and shook her ass, Ravi watched from her bed in utter awe.

He was getting married.

Ravi Singh, the brother of an alleged murder, was engaged to the girl who solved said murder - he never expected that the day she darkened his doorstep, he would be marrying her three years later.

Pippa was the love of Ravi's life, and nothing could change that. He was hers and she was his.

And looking into those green eyes reminded him just how much he loved her - how much he always would.

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