Eternal Apologies, Sarge

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She let out a sigh as Cara zipped the dress and pulled her hair over her back again.

"Okay, open your eyes." Cara said softly, a hand on her best friends shoulder.

So she did; eyes fluttering open and catching her own face, first.

Pip smiled at herself, just the smallest grin on her lips as her eyes traveled down her body, hand slowly cupping her mouth in a gasp.

"Oh my god," she whispered, staring at herself in the mirror.

Ravi had told her she was angelic, but she had never believed him.

Not until now. Not until this very moment, standing in this dressing room, wearing this dress.

This strapless white dress, just a bit of ruffled tulle on the top bit around her chest.

She brushed her hair behind her ear, smiling at how it perfectly hugged her abdomen and her waist before falling into the skirt; a sheer layer of tulle over the fullness of the rest of the skirt, white and flowing down to her feet.

"I love it. This is the dress, Cara."

"Absolutely. We're paying, by the way."

"What? Really?"

"Mm-hm. I can't let my best friend blow all her cash on her dream dress when there's other things she can spend it on."

Pip broke, then, tears flowing down her cheeks. How had she gotten so lucky? The best friends a girl could ask for, the best fiancé a girl could ask for. Maybe not the best life, but she could turn that around. She still had a chance.

Maybe things could be okay again, one day. Maybe one day soon.

Cara pulled her into a hug, kissing her best friends hair as she sobbed against her.

"I love you so much, Cara, so fucking much."

"I love you too, Pips. Now wipe those tears, okay? Nat and Naomi are waiting, and they're going to die when they see this dress."

Pip smiled, and for once that mention of death had no reminder of the past. It was just a phrase, in this moment.

Nobody could take this joy away from her; not even herself.

Pip pulled open the door of the changing room, watching as Naomi and Nat's conversation slowly died off, and their heads turned to face Pip, reactions so different but all the same.

Naomi's went through three emotions in the span of a few seconds; from confusion to joy, and from joy to proudness.

This girl who had been like a second sister to her was stood in front of her in a wedding dress, and all four of them knew that that dress was the one. No question about it.

As tears prickled Naomi's eyes, Nat's spilled over. Her lips turned into a smile as her face shone with teardrops, watching Pip in this raw moment.

Pip, her found family, her chosen sister, was finally happy again. It was just the start, but Nat knew that she was on that road. Nat could tell; she always could.

"This is it, you guys. This is the dress."

"Clearly," Nat said, smiling. "It's actually perfect on you. I'm obsessed. And it's perfect for your theme, as well."

"Well, we don't really have a theme, it's just...summer."

Nat smiled with a nod. "Your theme, girl."

Pip smiled, wiping her eyes again. "Okay, well, I should probably go change so we can buy this thing."

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