It Will Always Be You

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"I'll drive," he told her. "You need to relax, I went pretty hard on you la -"


"Sorry, sorry. You're too easily flustered by my devilish sexiness. Very sorry, my love."

She laughed softly as she climbed into the back of the car with two blankets, a pillow, her headphones, a pair of slippers, a phone charger, and a set of puppy eyes, pointing in Ravi's direction.

"We're engaged," she reminded him, "You have to get me Starbucks. It's only the nice thing to do."

"Since you said please," he said sarcastically, checking on her in the rearview mirror as she laid across the seats. "Pip, buckle."

"I've been in a car without a seatbelt once before, Ravi; I'll be fine."

He looked back at her with a furrowed brow, confused. "Pip Fitz-Amobi driving without a seatbelt? Seems unlikely to me."

"I didn't have much of a choice, seeing as I was..." She trailed off, looking down. "Never mind, actually."

"Oh, Sarge," he said, reaching back and placing his hand on her leg for a second before going back to the wheel. "You don't have to joke about those things."

"My therapist told me it could help." She said quietly.

"I know," he said, and the silence in the car was too loud, so Pip connected her phone to the speakers and played them some music; her fingers pressing buttons carefully, hoping she wouldn't accidentally set off the metallic screams of death metal that still haunted her.

"No death metal today." She laughed softly, and caught Ravi's eyes in the mirror, feeling the pink flush to her cheeks as she sat up, crossing her legs.

"Must you be so comfortable back there, Sarge?"

"I must!" She told him. "Freshly engaged girls on hour long car rides deserve the best."

"You have the best, and his name is Ravi Singh." He quipped again, and she laughed again.

They were soulmates; at least Cara thought so, as she had told Pip too many times.

And Pip knew that was the truth. Ravi made her glow, inside and out - though it wasn't a visible glow, it was there. Ravi had been there, with her, from the very start of her troubles.

He had held her when she was hurt, held her hair when she was sick, held her hand when they trespassed.

They had been through too much together, and that made them strong.

But, what made Pip's heart flutter the most in the end, was the lingering feeling and thought that over that year apart, he had waited, too.

Like Pip, he had distanced himself from everyone around him - If you're hurting, I'll have to hurt, too. - He had written in a journal; one he started the day she left him in that forest, and one that he wrote in every day he was without her.

They had cried on her couch together as they read it; "I'm so glad you're here," she had told him that night.

Pip looked at Ravi in the front seat, and the greying sky around her, being so grateful that she was still here.

Here to see the skies pour rain, and here to see her fiancé drive her back to her hometown. Here to see the looks of her family's faces when she announced the news, and here just to be here.

It was her or him, and though she would live with the guilt, she was glad she had chosen herself over death.

"What're you thinking about over there, Sarge?"

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