That's Good, Right?

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"What is it?" Luna asked, slipping on her socks as she ran out of her bedroom. "Are you going to be a Mommy?" She smiled, a hand on Pip's shoulder.

"It's negative," Pip mumbled, almost upset. "It's...I wasn't expecting it to be negative."

"That's good," Ravi said, also unsure. "That's good, right? That's what we...this is what we wanted."


"Um. I sense disappointment. Happy hour is early, today."

"It's one P.M., Luna." Ravi said.

"Key word is early? Hello?"

"We have class tomorrow."

"That's tomorrow. We can deal with our hangovers together, Pippy." She said, holding Pip's hands as she rounded the counter. "Bonding time!"

She laughed softly, sniffling. "Okay, fine. Ravi?" Pip asked, letting go of one of Luna's hands and taking one of Ravi's.

"I suppose a few drinks would be nice." He said with a shrug, sitting at one of the stools at the counter.

Luna poured their drinks, raising her glass. "To not being parents just yet, and to enjoying college life while we can."

"I'm not in college," Ravi said.

"Well, you have practically infiltrated my dorm, so, college life, Ravi."


"So, like," Pip said finally after downing her entire drink. "So - okay, Ravi?"

"Yes, Sarge?"

"This whole me-not-being-pregnant thing is good. It's good, right? I mean, I'm only in my sophomore year, here. I don't need a baby,"

"Right, Sarge. This is a good thing." He rubbed her back as she hiccuped, reaching for the bottle to pour herself another glass.

Ravi and Luna gave each other a concerned glance, and unspoken vow between them: we have to take care of her together.

Pip was - she didn't know how many drinks in, really. Enough to need coffee, and enough for her words to be more gibberish than, well, words.

She rolled her shoulders, head lolling back against the couch.

"I've always wanted a baby," she slurred, smacking her lips. "We could've had a baby."

"We can have a baby, later, Pipsicle." Ravi told her, bringing her a cooled-down cup of coffee. "Drink this."

"Mm." She mumbled as he pressed the cup to her lips, holding her head up as she drank some of it. "What time is it?"

He sighed. "Three P.M., love. How do you feel?"

"Like I want a baby,"

"Oookay, nevermind." Luna giggled, shrugging.

"Hey, never have I ever -"

"Bad idea, Sarge."

"It's fun, though!"

"Bad idea."

She shrugged, lolling forward before rolling onto her side. "Bad idea, okay. What's - " She hiccuped, blinking slowly. "What's a good idea?"

"Sleeping, Pippa." Luna rolled her eyes, sitting Pip up and hoisting one arm over her shoulder. "Ravi, be helpful."

He hoisted her other arm onto his shoulder, Pip barely awake as they carried her to her bed, shutting her dark curtains tight.

Ravi laid her down as Luna turned on the salt lamp, it's orange glow just enough to still be peaceful.

"Luna, go enjoy your afternoon. I'll handle her."

"I'll stay at the dorm in case you need me, alright? Good luck," she smiled, slipping through the door.

Ravi sighed. This wasn't good for Pip, the drinking. He was worried about her.

She had hurt herself before - was this a new wave of self-harm? Shit, would she be okay?

He sighed again as he found her favorite pajama pants and a top to go with them, walking back over to her and running a hand through his hair.

"Sorry," he whispered, lifting her up to switch her clothes.

Another sigh as he laid her back onto her side, slipping into bed next to her and nestling her comfortably between himself and the wall.

He picked up his phone, making sure she looked comfortable before dialing a number.

"Hi, Cara."

"Hi, Ravi! How's it hanging? Pregnancy scare cleared up?"

"How did you-?"

"She told me. Are you gonna be a father?"

"Not yet. Pip is, like, really upset. She's blackout drunk."

"At three P.M.?!"

"Yeah. I'm worried about her. Really, really worried. I don't want her to hurt herself."

"Yeah, I don't either..." Cara paused, thinking. "Okay, wait, Pip's spring break is coming up in two weeks, right?"


"We should take her on a road trip. To clear her mind. You know how much she loves road trips, right? We can rent an RV,"

"That's a really good idea, Cara."

"I know, I'm a genius. Pack your bags, Mister Singh, because us folks are going to see the sights." She said excitedly, hanging up the phone to presumably make calls to the rest of their friends.

Ravi could see it, their reactions. Cara running to tell her sister to find an RV for however many of them there were.

Naomi opening her laptop, and google after that.

Cara making calls, to the Reynoldses and to Zach, to her own girlfriend and to Nat - Nat's reaction the best of all.

Never invited many places as a teenager, and now was her chance to get away from it all for a little while. The wind in her halo of silver-blonde hair, still cut short. Ravi knew this would be good for Nat, too. Pip and Nat who shared struggles, who were found family.

Ravi was excited, because this was a good thing. But for now, he had to make sure his girlfriend didn't get sick in her sleep.

The inevitable hangover headache. The pounding, and the blurry vision, and the nausea. Oh, god, did Pip feel sick.

What time was it? What day was it? Has Ravi left? What had happened earlier that day? Or, was it yesterday, now?

She squinted one eye and sat up slowly, peeking out of her window.

The sky was dark, blackish-blue spread over the city, accompanied by the quiet stars that hid under the city lights. Their beauty hiding beneath pollution, something that always pained Pip to think about.

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, glancing down at Ravi, asleep next to her.

So tranquil.

She wondered if she looked that way when she slept, or if the guilt of everything showed itself in the divots of her sleeping face, too.

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