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It is October 30, 1984, three days since I last moved to Hawkins

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It is October 30, 1984, three days since I last moved to Hawkins. It's pretty small, nothing special. Max enjoys going to the arcade and playing Digdug. She's like my best friend and then there's Billy, who I have to call brother. He is the absolute worst. I'm sure going to miss California, our old house, and the skatepark where I would take Max since she was little. But at least it's the start of a new beginning.


She closes her notebook and stares at her WHAM! poster as Waiting for a Girl Like You by Foreigner played on her boombox. It's the first day of school.

Billy banged on the door. " ARE YOU READY, HELLO!"

She got off her bed to turn off the Boombox and approached the mirror to grab a hairbrush.


She slammed the door open. "JESUS CALM DOWN!"

"In case you forgot who's driving, tell Max we are leaving."Billy shook his keys.

Madison rolls her eyes and pushes past him. She walks to her sister's room and knocks on the door. "Max, Max, we are going to be late"

"Do I have to go?"

" I know you don't want to go, but this is our life now, you are going to make many friends and who knows a boyfriend". Madison taunted.

Max opened the door and let's out a sigh. Her skateboard is already in her hand.

"Alright I'll go jeez."

The three got in the car. Billy puts in his keys and accelerates. Rock You Like a Hurricane by the Scorpions blasted through the radio.

"Do you need to go that fast, it's not a race, and stop smoking that is bad for your lungs." Madison rambled.

"Quit complaining, we are here."

He got out of the car first, taking the cigarette out of his mouth. Madison got out next and opened the door for Max as she skated away to the middle school.Billy threw the cigarette to the floor and walked away. Madison noticed three high school girls checking him out and cringed.

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