Time After Time

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<< This means when you can play the music

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<< This means when you can play the music.

One month later...

Madison grabs a piece of her hair while her mom pins up the braid, Max winces in pain " Ow, ow. That hurts."

"It's going to be worth it. Promise."

As her mom is doing her hair, Billy stood there and looked at the Mayfields . The two stared back as he walked away. "See, pretty,"

"Yeah, very pretty,"

"Yeah, Okay, Thanks"

"Now are you sure you don't want to wear a dress like your sister?"

Madison puts on black boots, a headband, and a matching red jacket.Billy dropped them off at Hawkins Middle School. Not a word is spoken in the car, just occasional glances. Twist of Fate by Olivia Newton-John is heard from inside.

"So Max, are you dancing with anyone,"Madison smirked.

"Not really"

"How about Lucas, I saw you two holding hands." Madison taunted.

She blushes.

"You like him, don't you?"

"Um, no, no," Max denied quickly.

"He is a nice kid,"

"What about Steve Harrington, Maddie are you going to ask him out on a date?" Max taunted back.

On cue, a familiar car pulls up to the driveway.

"Max, you go ahead, I'll be right there."


Max smirked at her sister and walked into the building.

Madison leans against the wall, twirling her hair around. Dustin gets out of the car and notices her. Meanwhile, Steve stays in the car, watching.

"Hey Maddie,"

She passes her hand through it" Who did your hair? Harrington?

Dustin has a proud smile on his face.

" I did-"

"Must have taken his advice, huh?" Madison asked.

"Yeah, well, I'll see you inside."

She smiled back at him. "See you!"

Dustin headed to the ticket booth. Madison walked and tapped onto his window. Since the first day, they've been great friends


"Um, Hey"

Steve has no idea why he felt a little nervous all of a sudden. He flirted and kissed tons of girls. Madison wasn't any different.

"You look- pretty."

A blush escaped her cheeks. "Thanks- Steve"

"You're calling me by my first name now?"

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