Uh Oh, Guardian Trouble..

Start from the beginning

'They're cute. I miss when my siblings used to act like that...' Tanjiro thought, then cleared his mind because it sounded a little weird.

At least you resolved it and became friends again. Yay???

Zenitsu Agatsuma

How can you ever argue with Rengoku? Physically impossible, sorry for the lack of scenario.

Inosuke Hashibira

Inosuke, Zenitsu and Tanjiro were stopping by on their weekly visit(Inosuke didn't let you go until Tanjiro and Zenitsu pulled him off), and we're currently sleeping in the living room.

You were laying wide awake, finally remembering the time you snuck into your dads room. What was that all about?

Your fingered fidgeted, an anxious knot in your stomach as you thought about what to do next.

You could go sneak in right now, but you'd need to be extra careful since he's in there.

"Here we go. Spy mission like old times." You whispered, crawling out of your futon and tiptoeing to the door.

You slid it open as quiet as possible and peaked your head out. It was pitch dark, only the light of the moon cast a slight pale light across the floor.

You glanced around one last time, then slipped out of the room and made your way towards Asahi's.

'Why did I even sneak in his room the first time?' You thought, looking up at the weird contraption over the door. 'Is that in case Akio gets up? Well, I'm not Akio. How do I stop it from going off?'

You looked around for something then just sighed.

'Here goes nothin.' You slid the door open slowly, waiting for a bell or a thud or something to indicate an alarm.


Blinking once, twice, thrice, you dropped to your knees and started crawling to the book case.

Living there for years, you didn't need light to find where it was. But you were only ever allowed in their room with supervision.

'Don't other kids go in their parents room without permission? Is that weird? Okay, you're just asking questions because you're paranoid... or nosy. But still! Find the book and skedaddle!' You thought to yourself, having remembered about the book a few crawls ago.

But here's where the mission went haywire, you can't see the book.

'Would he notice if I turn a lamp on?' You peaked over the bed. Asahi seemed to be in a deep sleep. 'I could try to find it in the dark I guess...'

You felt around the book case for an old, brown, probably rough feeling book.

Simultaneously, you also got hella close to the books and scanned over them for an untitled, brown cover, yellow paged book.

'Maybe it's a diary... am I gonna snoop in dads diary? He wouldn't snoop in my diary, but this is a mission, what's he hiding? Well then he'd have to know what I'm hiding...' A million thoughts, questions, and some answers started running through your mind.

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