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"And now for the final piece," Mal carefully places the ruby tiara into my hair, letting it sink into the perfect updo

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"And now for the final piece," Mal carefully places the ruby tiara into my hair, letting it sink into the perfect updo.

This was fucking heavy, so had no clue how a crown made of it pure gold would feel.

"I can't believe I'm about to become Queen, it's...everything I've ever dreamt of."

Without Huxley, changing laws and customs has become so much easier. All of his followers are incapable of making decisions themselves so instead they flock to the advisor with the most power.

Elliot. Abolishing the marriage rule took only three meetings to debate. Now any heir, both male and female can ascend without the need of a spouse.

"I don't know how you do it."

My lips break out into a smile. "It's them. Ajax and Damien give me the strength I need to become a great ruler. They carry me when I'm down, push me when I need it and help me recognise my limits. The three of us up there, both by my side as I take the throne for the first time. Now that will be in the history books."

"Tea?" I nod, taking the warm glass from her hand. The herbs rise in steam, calming my erratic nerves.

Taking a huge mouthful, I almost choke when someone knocks on the door. It sputters a little down my chin, and I quickly pass it off to Mal so I can dab it off.

Makeup took almost three hours. I have to look impeccable. Give the media something to gossip about for the next few weeks. Discussing my hair and makeup seems a better option than my relationship.

"It's Theo, I just wanted to talk before...well, you know."

"Fuck, what's he doing here? Do you think he's mad?"

She scoffs, gently guiding me to the door. "Over what? You got him the girl he wanted, he's probably just thanking you."

"But...hi," He looks as handsome as ever, a pristine grey suit clinging to his body. Yet it's his smile that's changed. It seems brighter, truer, something undeniable in the way it causes his face to glow.

"Wow, you look incredible."

"Really, it's not too much." He laughs softly, and I realise though maybe in another life we could have found something worth fighting for, I've found a friend and ally for life in him.
"I wanted to make sure you were okay. I know how I felt on mine, a nervous wreck. I was sweating so hard they had to add an additional 10 fans to the room."

"Surprisingly, I feel okay. I mean a little nervous but I guess that's to be expected."

"You're stronger than I ever was."

I scoff, "I doubt that. I'm terrified inside for everything else. For failing them."


"The people, I guess. My parents, Ajax and Damien. I just feel like everyone has suffered and sacrificed so much to get me here and I don't want to mess it up."

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