Chapter XXXVII

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"How long has the relationship been going on?"

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"How long has the relationship been going on?"

"Was King Theo in on it?"

"Is your relationship with Damien real?" That one makes me want to bark back a yes, but I forcefully bite my tongue to hold back.

"What would you say to the haters?"

"Thoughts on becoming the king consort?"

"General Ajax will be answering any questions tomorrow night on Gentry Smith's talk show at eight."

I nod in thanks to Laura, my new personal  media specialist. Yes, that's how crazy everything has become in the past few months.

It's one interview after another, one meeting after another, and every time we attempt to leave palace grounds...well, this happens.

"How long until all of this calms down?"

She laughs quietly, thanking me as I open the door ahead. "At least a good few months until after the coronation, or wedding? If there is going to be one?"

That's the question that dominates every single interview. There's nothing the general public love more than a royal wedding, and this would definitely be one for the history books.

"I asked. Once."


I tease her with an open smile. "You know I will never disclose that answer."

"If it was a yes, you would just say it."

"Unless one of them asked me not to." That's a lie and I'm pretty sure she can see through it easily but I don't know if I can trust her completely yet.

Emmeline said yes, a hundred times yes, but Damien declined. For now. He was right anyways, we have too much shit going on, and announcing a poly wedding would just fuel the haters.

We part ways, as I head up to my new rooms. Each of us have our own, but then also share another that we often use. In my opinion, far too many. But Emmeline definitely needs a whole other room for her wardrobe. The coronation alone has granted her fifteen new dresses, all gifts from various royals around the world.

Even Theo sent one. A token of his support of our relationship. Though I'm pretty sure it was his new fiancé Quinn that picked it out.

Damien is hunched over the small coffee table that resides to the left of the bed. I pour myself some water and join him, kicking my feet up onto the sofa.

"Any word on Chloe yet?" I shake my head, sighing.

That girl has become the bane of my life these days. Ever since Huxley's arrest she's disappeared, completely off the grid. I'm supposed to track her down for interrogation since being in hiding makes her slightly suspicious.

I don't think she is though. My father trusts my judgement enough on that but I know we need proof. I'm trying to fucking save her life but she's not making it exactly easy.

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