Chapter XXXIV

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Day 8 of isolation

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Day 8 of isolation.

Confined within Damien's childhood home, which although I love in bringing up remnants of the past, I know it only holds demons for him.

Demons he's now trapped living with, and that sense of powerlessness is what is driving him crazy.

He's pacing the room back and forth, trapped within his own mind, nothing to challenge him but either Ajax and I, who are by far no way a match to intellectually stimulate him.

Brad, is definitely not up for challenge, or his mother. The woman he's been actively avoiding despite living in the same house.

He didn't just get his smarts from Elliot. No, this prodigy was blessed with superior parents though he'll argue the point to a fault.

"Please try to relax,"

"Relax?" Okay, at least I stopped him from moving. Still don't know if that's a good thing or...and he's walking again.

"Damien, you're making me feel sick." Ajax has been bed bound for the past few days, only recently moving around, despite Trisha's, Damien's mother, efforts to tell him otherwise.

I was close to her as a kid, she gave me a sense of normalcy I had always craved, treating me like every child and even introduced me to smores although I burnt my tongue. It would be a lie to say I haven't enjoyed her company again. Damien hates it, but we're all trapped here and I'm not exactly miss sunshine with either of them.

They lied. The one thing we all swore not to do, our friendship based on honesty, and it's worse that they think they were protecting me. My body, my safety, and they have always understood that. Learned to separate myself from my title yet...I guess that safety just feels lost.

I want it back though. Almost being blown to pieces secures that but how? Forgiveness is tricky, especially when you have my father's stubborn nature like me.

Maybe what I need is a bit of control? Some semblance of power that will re-establish us to our former glory.

Standing, I earn both their attention, and gesture to the bed, "Sit."

"Emmeline I don't..."

"Sit." I emphasise with more force, lightly shoving him down. The mattress bounces under his weight, the bed creaking as Ajax shuffles forwards until their knees are touching.

"What are you doing?"

"You lied to me. Both of you, and yes, almost dying put a dent in my anger.  Tiny one that makes forgiveness a possibility. I need you both to include me now, treat me as an equal and nothing less. When I'm you, I can be myself, surrendering power and reclaiming it. I love you, deeply, so I will try so hard to move past it, but right now, I need you both just to listen to me."

Damien cracks his mouth, about to speak, but I place my hand up, silencing him. "No speaking. Just strip."

Their curious confused glances spur desire inside me like the most intricate spider's web, reaching every tangling nerve.

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